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Search results for "biodiversity"

Including the closely related term biodiversity net.

1 result

City of York Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… the council will consider the needs of pollinators in the delivery of its duties and work 1 1 Weed pilot - Pilot heat treatment as an alternative weed control method to glyphosate 1 1 Manage council-owned land and road verges to increase biodiversity and carbon sequestration 2 2 Biodiversity net gain - Carry out a mapping exercise to assess which areas of the city could…

…; to thriving green spaces and increased biodiversity. Constraints Achieving our ambition and delivering the actions presented will require the removal of barriers and constraints. Policy Societal Capacity Financial Technical Council Influence City of York Council recognises its role as a leader in achieving our ambition. The council will be directly responsible…

… be designated, protected and enhanced as green space for biodiversity net gain. 2 2 Green & Blue infrastructure strategy - Assess the carbon sequestration potential of current council land and identify opportunities to increase sequestration, looking into different natural carbon capture options 3 1 Develop a long-term strategy to protect and manage existing urban trees and woodland…

… the 13% city-wide tree canopy target 1 1 Castle Mills - Riverside Park and new pedestrian riverside bridge, increasing biodiversity and active travel 1 3 Engage with community groups (e.g. friends of parks groups) and schools to carry out tree planting 1 1 Prioritise tree planting initiatives in more deprived and less green wards of the city, where the opportunities…

… developments to achieve highest environmental standards (BREEAM Outstanding or similar) 3 S 1 Econ; H&W; Env P D Require post-completion emissions monitoring and annual reporting for all new developments 2 S 1 P D Collecting developer contributions to deliver net zero projects as part of a Climate Change Action Plan Fund 2 M 2 Econ P; F D Include biodiversity requirements for all new…


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