Including the closely related terms species, and biodiversity net.
… installed, when and where and map these assets. Greater nesting opportunities for the red listed swift (and other red listed species such as house sparrow). Improve their conservation status within the New Forest area. Nature Q1 2022 N I Explore NFDC landholdings to establish if there are any areas which could be suitable to deliver biodiversity net gain (BNG) projects. Seek…
…. The Council has sought to mitigate impact on the natural environment and nature and only as a last resort compensate. More recently this Council has shown strong leadership and been on the first Council’s to require major development to deliver biodiversity net gain. 3.3 Having now declared a Climate and Nature Emergency the Council needs to demonstrate leadership which inspires and enables…
… Area Action Service delivering Indicators Outcome(s) Co-benefits Deliver start date * Nature B io d iv er si ty n et g a in Prepare and publish a biodiversity Supplementary Planning Document to build upon future mandatory requirements (10% Biodiversity Net Gain) and provide local context and requirements for developers including biodiversity design code…
… in the Environment Act 2021 to require development to deliver 10% biodiversity net gain. Local planning guidance on implementation published. Policy and Strategy (Planning) Biodiversity Net Gain metric 10% biodiversity net gain Nature, health and well- being, environmental quality Jul-20 C, A, N, I E F lo o d a n d c o a st a l er o si o n r is k m a n a g em en t…
…/ Ashford/Sandleheath• Milford on Sea Policy and Strategy (Planning) Completion of local settlement strategies GI improvement projects in: Signage of walking routes, making green spaces interesting places, improving accessibility for all, pleasant places to sit and enjoy, improve enjoyment and management of accessible woodland, Enhancing local biodiversity, Enhancement of water…