Including the closely related terms bio diversity, ecological, and species.
… the Portfolio Holder for Climate Change, chaired by the Strategic Director. Further work is to be undertaken from 2022, to refine the costing of the Plan’s actions, register the data underpinning the Plan online, develop further information on Bio Diversity, and further explore other issues such as nature-based solutions for climate change mitigation and adaptation and options for refurbishment of empty…
… of pounds. Drier seasonal weather can also impact on water shortages and crop failure. These impacts may also result in the destruction of biodiversity, wildlife habitats and increase the risk of increased levels of pest and invasive species. The human health impacts of climate change are wide reaching and increasingly apparent. Increased ambient temperatures and heat stress are directly associated…
… - Environment Services 16 studies including, but not limited to, ecological surveys. ES5 Create package of deliverable schemes that meet project targets and ambitions with a range of tree planting that best suits each particular situation. 2022-2030 Divisional Manager - Environment Services ES6 Habitat loss caused by any new development within the Borough will be mitigated to ensure…
… that there will be an overall increase in biodiversity post-development. Ongoing Divisional Manager - Environment Services ES7 To introduce initiatives and services to achieve a target to re-use or recycle 60% of municipal waste by 2030, and 65% of municipal waste by 2035. 2022-2035 Divisional Manager - Environment Services 17 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Action to be taken Timeframe for Delivery Council…