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Rossendale Borough Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… to protect our environment for future generations as well as mitigating against some of the effects of climate change such as flooding. WE WILL FOCUS ON DRIVING THE FOLLOWING OUTCOMES: Increasing the proportion of domestic waste which is recycled or used for energy production; Reducing certain waste streams; Increasing tree cover; Enhancing biodiversity. TO ACHIEVE THIS, WE WILL FOCUS…

… 49%. Businesses also generate significant levels of waste and we are keen to explore ways businesses can reduce the level of resources they consume and maximise the level of waste which can be recycled. We also need to look at issues such as land use and afforestation in the fight against climate change. Alongside this, there needs to be a focus on biodiversity and ecosystems in order…

… in the Borough to work on the enhancement of biodiversity and climate change mitigation schemes. 3.4 WORKING TOGETHER IN PARTNERSHIP To achieve our ambitions and make a real impact, we need to work together in partnership. We can all make a positive difference to our carbon footprints. We know that a new house can involve the production of 50 tonnes of carbon and by working with local housing…


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