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Search results for "biodiversity"

Including 5 closely related terms such as biodiversity plan, local biodiversity, and biodiversity action.

1 result

East Hertfordshire District Council

Direct link to action plan (XLSX)

biodiversity Action Plan within this Action Plan. We have now received the final version of the HCCSP Biodiversity Plan and work is now underway to merge East Herts related actions into this plan ü 2.0 Use regulatory powers to promote action by others 2.1 Climate declaration - climate and sustainability friendly planning and building control regulations. Seek to develop appropriate planning policy…

… the return of CMS's audit on our parks and open spaces. ü Work with Parish Councils to promote local biodiversity action. The intention for East Herts to take a greater co-ordinating role in sustainability matters was introduced at the first Town & Parish Council Engagement Event in June and was repeated at the second event in November 21. Engagement to date is predominently around promotion…

… Buntingford depot in October 21. ü ü 1.15 Assess evidence-base for benefits of green walls COMPLETE - Incorporated into the Sustainability Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) which was passed at full council in March 2021. ü ü ü 1.16 Investigate opportunities for improving biodiversity of council estate and associated services. We marked the launch of the Queens Canopy initiative on 24th May via…

… - Transport ü ü ü ü ü ü 1.20 Incorporate HCCSP Water plans etc. We have now received the final version of the HCCSP Water Plan and work is now underway to merge East Herts related actions into this plan ü 1.21 Work to improve biodiversity infrastructure on Council estate. Environmental Sustainability and Biodiversity considerations are a core part of the Parks and Open Spaces Strategy 21-26, which…

… will be approved/published in Jan 2022. Ongoing strategy work with CMS ensures all planned park projects optimise biodiversity as well as s106 contribution opportunities. The Queens Canopy initiative is being factored into the open space strategy. We are also mindful of the forthcoming HCCSP Biodiversity Audit and how that will inform required future schemes. ü 1.21.1 Incorporate relevant actions from HCCSP…


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