Including 4 closely related terms such as species, increase biodiversity, and biodiversity net.
… could affect businesses, households and public services alike, causing disruption. Throughout Earth’s history the climate has always changed, with ecosystems and species coming and going. However, rapid climate change affects the ability of ecosystems and species to adapt and so biodiversity loss increases. Plant and animal species must either adapt or migrate to areas with more favourable…
… of the Environment Bill 2020, including any around Biodiversity Net Gain. IMPROVE WATER QUALITY, FLOOD RESILIENCE AND HABITAT INCREASE TREE AND SHRUB PLANTING IMPROVE BIODIVERSITY AND GREEN SPACES IMPROVE AIR QUALITY C L I M A T E C H A N G E S T R A T E G Y 1 9 Adapting to Climate Change Priorities Whilst the majority of our Climate Change Strategy focusses on mitigating our…
… creation and improvements to increase biodiversity in BDC woodlands and local nature reserves and open spaces– Hoppit Mead, Bocking Blackwater, Cuckoo Wood, Coggeshall Pieces and Halstead River Walk • Continuous tree, bulb and hedge planting across the District, including the Millennium and Jubilee Oaks projects, Bee Friendly Plant Giveaway, community tree planting…
…, it is likely that there will be a requirement for all new developments to deliver a Biodiversity Net Gain of 110%. One of the biggest priorities in the emerging Local Plan is the position of development. Locating this within walking and cycling distance of new infrastructure networks will enable residents to meet their everyday needs without long journeys. Retrofitting our existing homes…
… HARVESTING TECHNOLOGIES REDUCE ENERGY USE IN EXISTING HOUSING BY RETROFITTING ENERGY EFFICIENCY MEASURES REDUCE THE CARBON IMPACT AND IMPROVE BIODIVERSITY OF NEW DEVELOPMENTS Currently 47% of the District’s carbon emissions are transport related. The number of vehicles on the roads needs to reduce, with more people using public transport, walking and cycling instead of using…