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Search results for "biodiversity"

Including the closely related terms species, biodiversity net, and biodiversity loss.

1 result

Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… of heat into the surrounding air. The associated action plans are contained within a set of working documents, which will continue to take shape once the strategy is adopted – identifying how carbon reduction can align with the Tyndall Centre recommendations for Tameside. Additionally the opportunities for environmental protection at a local level and targeted biodiversity net-gain are included…

… not exceeding 1.5oC. The effects of pollution, environmental degradation, biodiversity loss and climate change are significant, possibly irreversible. However, future impacts are still entirely within our power to limit. If we do not act to limit global average temperature rise to 1.5oC or below, we face at the very least – irreversible biodiversity and habitat loss, more frequent extreme weather…

… and mental health. Decarbonising the transport sector by improving fuel efficency and moving from petrol and diesel to electric vehicles will make enhancements to air quality and reduce the strain on the NHS. By protecting against biodiversity loss we can safeguard the food system helping to prevent against food shortages and assosiated health impacts. Improving digital infrastructure will help…

… climate change. As well as harbouring dozens of species of other plants, invertebrates, birds and even small mammals, they capture and store carbon from the atmosphere and lock it up for decades – even centuries. Trees in Tameside contribute to ensuring that the borough is a more biodiverse, healthy and beautiful place to live. The UK has very sparse tree cover in comparison to other developed…

… Latest Regional Carbon Emission Data GM & Tameside Carbon Reduction Priorities You Said, We Did Greenspace & Biodiversity 4 25 5 29 36 6 31 37 8 35 37 10 11 12 14 16 17 18 21 CO N T EN TS 4 5 EXE CUT IVE SUMMARY This Carbon Reduction and Environment Strategy 2021-2026 is the product of co-operation between departments within Tameside Council. Through public…


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