Including 4 closely related terms such as ecological, species, and support biodiversity.
… to deliver its part of wider national and international commitments. 1.4 Ecological Emergency Not only are we facing a climate emergency but we are also facing an Ecological Emergency. Human-induced impacts on natural habitats and biodiversity have already caused the extinction of numerous species and damage to and destruction of ecosystems around the world. Climate change is exacerbating…
… to Carbon Neutral East Lothian will have healthy, diverse natural ecosystems and greenspaces that support biodiversity and the wellbeing of our communities, functioning to off-set carbon emissions; a key force in achieving a Carbon Neutral East Lothian and adapting to climate change, and resilient to changes in climatic conditions Key Priority Area 1: Our Natural Environment and Biodiversity Key…
… these impacts. We need to act now to protect our natural environment and biodiversity for future generations. The solutions to tackling climate change will also reduce biodiversity loss; indeed nature can help us to offset carbon emissions and help us to solve the climate crisis. Global warming Increased levels of ‘greenhouse gases’ building up in the atmosphere, including carbon dioxide, nitrous…
…?................................................................................................ 10 1.2 The Global Climate Emergency………………………………………………………………………………….. 10 1.3 East Lothian Council’s Declaration of Climate Emergency………………………………………….. 10 1.4 Ecological Emergency………………………………………………………………………………………………… 10 1.5 Tackling the Climate Emergency………………….................................................................. 11 1.6 The Purpose of the Strategy…
… Area 2: Thriving Town and Rural Centres …………………………………………………….. 76 Key Priority Area 3: Climate Adaptation: Climate Ready Businesses ……………………………….. 77 Outcome 6: A Healthy and Resilient Natural Environment and the route to Carbon Neutral……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 79 Key Priority Area 1: Our Natural Environment and Biodiversity ………………………………………. 81 Key Priority Area 2: Climate…