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Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority

Direct link to pre-plan (PDF)

… production, improve access to good quality local food sources and improve health; Investing in nature, including increasing biodiversity and green space, will take CO2 out of the atmosphere as trees and plants grow, will help reduce heat in our urban areas, provide shade to our buildings, reduce risks of �ooding and improve physical and mental wellbeing. The CPCA area has been growing fast, and has…

… Fens residents, and with civil society groups from across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough. The results of those deliberations and consultations are presented in Chapter 3, A Just Transition (with sector-speci�c outputs picked up in sector chapters). They also feed through to further recommendations that we make to help drive climate actions in the area, in ways that are fair and maintain…

… CPCA emissions, an addition of around 33% to estimated all source emissions in the CPCA area. Estimates remain highly uncertain and the requirement of additional work to improve estimates speci�c to the Fens remains. What must we do to reduce emissions? Many of the levers to reduce emissions lie with national Government. In other areas, the CPCA and constituent authorities can only act within…

… Plan for the initial set of recommendations. Amongst speci�c actions: A Just Transition Climate action must be designed to bene�t our communities and help overcome the other challenges we face as a region. Based on the work of the Cambridgeshire Fens Panel and our other consultations we have developed a set of principles (Box 2) that we recommend should be considered in relation to the climate…

…. People want and bene�t from access to nature, green space and biodiversity. We should respect and value nature and the environment as we are all interconnected. As well as monitoring our progress on climate action and emis- sions, we should measure and value not just economic metrics but include new ways of meas- uring the wellbeing of people and nature.  Fairness locally, nationally…


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