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Search results for "biodiversity"

Including the closely related terms species, and increase biodiversity.

1 result

North Hertfordshire District Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… levels of plant diversity can enhance storage of soil organic carbon. Trees are probably those most often noted for their carbon sequestration abilities, but hedgerows, grasslands, and wildflower areas also have the capacity to absorb significant amounts of carbon, storing it in woody growth, in leaves, in roots and in the soil. Efforts to increase biodiversity can therefore be an important…

… while cutting greenhouse emissions. The 25 Year Environment Plan published in 2018, sets comprehensive goals and targets to improve the UK’s air and water quality and protect threatened plants, trees and wildlife species. The Resource and Waste Strategy 2018 outlines the actions the UK will take to minimise waste, promote resource efficiency and move towards a circular economy. The Clean Air…

… to identify gaps for further action. The Climate Change Strategy relates primarily to the reduction of carbon emissions but in conjunction with the Environment Panel and the Implementation Group, the Council is enabled to address the full range of issues relating to climate change (both mitigation of and adaption to the effects of climate change) and environmental matters (such as biodiversity

… and waste) in North Hertfordshire. As such, this Strategy contains certain actions related to waste and biodiversity in so far as they relate to carbon and greenhouse gas reduction. For instance, a particular form of organic waste management called anaerobic digestion captures the greenhouse gases that may be otherwise released from alternate waste handling practices and produces a source…

… of renewable energy. As such, use of this management process has the potential to limit greenhouse gas emissions and to reduce future reliance on carbon. NHDC CLIMATE CHANGE STRATEGY 2021-2026 PAGE 7 High biodiversity levels can improve ecosystem reliability and increase the effectiveness of their functions, one of which is carbon capture. Recent research, for example, has shown that high…


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