Including the closely related term biodiversity benefits.
… services, the UK can benefit when these are needed by other countries • Improved impact on human health: for example, through the uptake of active travel, healthier diets, and air quality improvements • Non-monetised benefits include comfortable homes (e.g. reduced risk of heat and cold related deaths), the recreational and biodiversity benefits of increased woodland and hedgerow coverage…
… with access to a rich natural environment that plays a key role in the biodiversity of the wider Humber Estuary and the UK. Hull, like the rest of the UK and the world, is at a cross roads in the journey from a place built on a fossil fuel economy to one built on renewable energy and production circularity. Our city has already chosen its direction through recent inward investment and its 2030…
… carbon emission reduction actions. Sequestration Work is required over the coming year to understand the current carbon sequestration benefit offered by the existing trees and habitats in Hull and therefore understand the requirements to ensure that these are maintained in a carbon sequestration and biodiversity enrichment way. Analysis for the Humber Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP…
… ambition- ARUP 2019 unpublished paper 11 Growing trees to sequester carbon in the UK: answers to some common questions M.G.R. Cannell Institute of Terrestrial Ecology Penicuik Scotland. Based on figures for a wild cherry tree 23-V14-FINAL Becoming Carbon Neutral by 2030 The Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has argued that from 2020, keeping within a global carbon…