Including the closely related terms ecological, species, and biodiversity net.
… and protecting our communities (medium term) We will do this throughout the Borough by: Support wetland projects and creation of natural habitats Stipulating biodiversity net gain through our Local Plan Supporting our residents to undertake resilience planting as part of Fareham in Bloom by encouraging pollinator- friendly plants, diversity of species and a reduction in pesticides Long Term…
…, nature conservation, rivers flowing through urban neighbourhoods and a vibrant community to protect. Locally, if we don’t address climate change, we risk seeing increased extreme weather events such as flooding, soil erosion, loss of wildlife, invasive species and loss of land. Remedying these issues can be costly in both ecological and economic terms; we want to prevent this wherever we can…
… (medium term) We will do this within our Council sites by: Research suitable plant species and locations on our land that will be resilient to climate change Promoting our allotments and supporting locally grown food Understand which of our services would be affected by climate change and provide continuity plans Adaption & Resilience Responding to Climate Change…