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Search results for "biodiversity"

Including the closely related terms species, biodiversity net, and biodiversity value.

1 result

Cambridgeshire County Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

species mosaic. √ √ √ All Council services scope their natural capital assets to deliver environmental and biodiversity net gain – – √ Ensure all council owned wildlife sites (Local Nature Reserves, County Wildlife Sites and Sites of Special Scientific Interest) are in positive conservation management (e.g. surveyed every 5 years and managed for the benefit of their biodiversity interest) - complete…

… harvesting, to improve biodiversity net gain √ – √ Work with developers to influence waste collection infrastructure and collection options for new developments. √ – – Work with Cambridgeshire District and City councils to develop more sustainable waste management practices. √ – – Work with the Cambridgeshire Local Authorities on circular economy principles for waste management and economic development…

… environmental and biodiversity net gain including management plans, for example appropriate vegetation planting and sustainable drainage systems – √ √ Ensure all new buildings are adapted to water scarcity through the use of water saving measures (e.g. rainwater harvesting, greywater harvesting). Assessment of all buildings and implementation plan in place by 2023. √ √ Ensure all buildings supporting…

… √ – – Management of highways and other assets for climate change adaptation. E.g. Construct road surfaces with heat and flood resilient materials/designs to adapt to extreme heat and rainfall – √ √ Management of highways to deliver environment net gains, including management of verges for biodiversity value & ensure all wildlife sites are in positive conservation management. Assessment of all highways…

… assets and implementation plan in place by 2023. Fully implement by 2030. – – √ Ensure all new transport schemes (e.g. cycleways, busways and roads) deliver environmental and biodiversity net gain. Assessment of all highways assets and implementation plan in place by 2023. Fully implement by 2030. – √ √ ADAPTATION: Resilience of our services and supporting vulnerable people Services Through our…


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