Including the closely related terms ecological, species, and biodiversity centre.
…. Acknowledgements Incorporating the views of city organisations and communities who participated in the development of Aberdeen Adapts: • Adaptation Scotland • Aberdeen Performing Arts • Aberdeen Biodiversity Centre • Aberdeen City Council • Aberdeenshire Council • Aberdeen Climate Action • Aberdeen City Heritage Trust • Aberdeen City Health & Social Care Partnership • Ashley Road…
… were used to inform the Aberdeen Adapts Framework. Measures to work with partners to adapt to climate change and enhance the positive effects of Aberdeen Adapts, include: • Reducing fragmentation; and protecting and enhancing biodiversity. • Reducing emissions during any project development and protecting air quality. • Making efficient use of water and protecting the water environment…
… the knowledge and expertise from local business, organisations and further education, Aberdeen is a good position to develop smart solutions that are appropriate for the city. Delivering multiple benefits • Actions to adapt to climate change can deliver a range of benefits for the city. They can help to reduce energy costs and flood risk, increase biodiversity and support health and wellbeing…
… degraded habitats may not be able to sustain productive land or water supply. This is the concern for all habitats and species in Aberdeen regardless of the level of protection afforded to them. However, the River Dee is protected by legislation as a Special Area of Conservation and climate change, in particular low rainfall, may alter the delicate ecological balance in the river. Species…
… infrastructure in new development and regeneration. Adaptation action areas Adaptation examples: A small number of green roofs are starting to emerge locally. These can reduce run off from rainfall, have insulation and cooling properties, as well as additional benefits in increasing biodiversity. A green roof at the refurbished Pet’s Corner, Hazlehead Park; 3 curved sedum clad roofs…