Including the closely related term biodiversity policy.
… by 2030. It is intended to be a live document that will continually evolve and it will be formally reviewed annually to report on progress. How it fits with other strategies The Climate Change and Sustainability Strategy is and overarching framework bringing together existing areas of work. Biodiversity Policy Electric Vehicle Strategy Tree Planting Policy Green Spaces Strategy Air…
… to reduce emissions. Energy Generation Waverley will look at ways to increase renewable energy generation and use both on its own properties and within its requirements through the planning process. the council will maximize opportunities to install solar panels on Council owned assets. Countryside and Biodiversity The council will improve and protect the biodiversity and ecology…
… of their green spaces and protect them against the negative impacts of climate change. Tree planting and biodiversity policies will be prepared and delivered to ensure they are considered both in policy and practice across the council’s services. The management of green spaces will incorporate extensive rewilding, habitat/pollinator friendly trees, scrub and flowers. Measures of biodiversity…
… Efficiency ............................................................................. 15 Waste ..................................................................................................................... 15 Energy Generation ................................................................................................. 16 Countryside and Biodiversity…
… of the natural world and its biodiversity. In May 2019, the UK Committee on Climate Change recommended that the UK Government respond by increasing their target to net- zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. The Government has now adopted this target and on the 1st May 2019 the House of Commons passed a motion declaring a national climate change emergency. On 18th September 2019, Waverley…