Including the closely related terms biodiversity net, and biodiversity value.
… govt pilot Promote Traford sites as candidate pioneer sites for habitat SHORT/ banking and GM Environment Fund related work MED Continue to operate without glyphosate across parks and open spaces Reduce mowing frequencies across appropriate parks and open spaces where this can be complementary to enhancing biodiversity value GMCA/GMEU/ Natural England/ Strategic Planning SHORT/ MED…
… in the following areas: GM Urban Pioneer – Biodiversity Net Gain guidance and implementation, Nature Recovery Network, Natural Capital Investment Plan, Environment Fund, Natural Environment Toolkit and IGNITION project DEEP City Heat network feasibility and implementation plan Energy masterplanning and heat decarbonisation planning Public estate decarbonisation collaborative work and funding bid 13…
… City heat, Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme bid and Green Homes Grant Local Authority Delivery Scheme Support community and cooperative energy projects in partnership e.g. Rural Community Energy Fund Corporate Priorities: Green and Connected. Council/Strategic Planning/OTP Continued involvement in GM Urban Pioneer for Biodiversity Net Gain in Planning and GM Nature Recovery Network…
… and December 2020 and included in Part 2 of this document. Recycling Support for green business and skills Active travel and sustainable transport Warm homes and green homes Electric vehicle infrastructure LED street lighting Planning, policy and place shaping Renewable and low carbon heat and energy Tree planting/urban forest Carbon literacy and behaviour change Natural capital and biodiversity…
…/ MED Corporate Priorities: Building Quality, Afordable and Social Housing. ACTION LEAD TIMESCALE ACTION LEAD TIMESCALE 6 Natural Environment 6.A Expand Traford’s Urban Forest for climate change and adaptation benefts 6.C Biodiversity and Nature Recovery Continued involvement in GM energy masterplanning and joint projects and funding bids – PV, Heat Networks and Onshore Wind e.g. DEEP…