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1 result

Sevenoaks District Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

….) Community Engagement and Encouragement Create a dedicated “Net Zero” and “Climate Change” webpage (Short Term) Promote national events to support wildlife awareness and opportunities to improve biodiversity (Ongoing) Develop and implement a “Net Zero 2030 Communications Plan” Making space for nature at home event  Instructional videos e.g. pond creation, making habitats, bug…

… the Climate Change Act 2008, the Government’s 25 year Environment Plan “A Green Future” and the forthcoming Environment Bill. 4 Climate Change is expected to cause hotter drier summers and warmer wetter winters in Kent. There will be increased frequency and severity of storms causing additional flooding. The changing climate will also have an impact on health and wellbeing, and biodiversity

… the District A Development Plan Policy - Require the installation of electric vehicle charging points in all new developments, both residential and non-residential Making the Best Use of Green Spaces Carbon emission offsetting through new planting including planting new trees (Ongoing) Improve areas for biodiversity and create new habitats (Ongoing) Natural flood management (Ongoing…


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