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Search results for "biodiversity"

Including the closely related term biodiversity strategy.

1 result

Rutland County Council

Direct link to pre-plan (PDF)

… and Finance Contact Officer(s): Mark Loran, Senior Environmental Services Manager 01572 758430 Joanna Morley, Scrutiny Officer 01572 758271 Ward Councillors All DECISION RECOMMENDATIONS That Council: 1. Agrees to the formation of a time limited, cross-party Task and Finish group to review and develop the Council’s Biodiversity Strategy. 2. Approves…

…, the Growth, Infrastructure and Resources Scrutiny Committee unanimously agreed to recommend to Council that a Task and Finish Group should be formed to review and develop the Council’s Biodiversity Strategy 2.2 The Strategy will be one of a suite of strategies under the Council’s Environmental Strategy as part of the Council’s approach on Climate Change. 9 Agenda Item 12 file…

… to inform the review and development of a Biodiversity Strategy for Rutland County Council. 2. Background The need for the review has been influenced by the national environment agenda. Rutland County Council is committed to protecting and enhancing biodiversity across the County and currently maintains about 65 km of protected verges, being either ‘local wildlife sites’ or Sites of Specific…

biodiversity strategy that will address emerging issues in this area. 11.2 The proposed work of the Group aligns with the Council’s strategic aim of Sustainable Growth and is particularly pertinent at this time not only because of the large scale developments being proposed for the County but also because of the national environmental agenda aimed at halting the loss of biodiversity. 12 BACKGROUND…

… - 14) To receive the reports from the Scrutiny Commission / Scrutiny Committees on any matters and to receive questions and answers on any of those reports. 1. Biodiversity Task and Finish Group Proposal – Report No.164/2019 13) JOINT ARRANGEMENTS AND EXTERNAL ORGANISATIONS To receive reports about and receive questions and answers on the business of any joint arrangements or external…


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