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Search results for "biodiversity"

Including the closely related term ecological.

1 result

Adur District Council

Direct link to pre-plan (PDF)

… Reserve (LNR). This is due to its vegetated shingle habitat, which is rare worldwide. Adur & Worthing CouncilsBiodiversity Programmes AWC is committed to reduce mowing, encouraging more wildflowers and implementing wilding and tree planting programmes. What Needs to Happen Next: ● Create more spaces where wildlife can thrive and connect…

… and Worthing’s climate and ecological footprint. We need to aim towards zero carbon emissions by 2030 and see a dramatic increase in the number of plants, insects and animals we see in our towns. We have listed many of the projects, programmes and organisations, all of whom are working hard to create positive changes and improve our environment. Where…

… partnerships, seeing what actions their projects fit to or expand upon. By working to this action plan, we can ensure that the variety of projects and programmes move in the same direction, towards zero carbon whilst growing biodiversity. Adur and Worthing have a wealth of talent, enthusiasm and dedicated people, groups and organisations who understand…

… benefits to residents, through a more beautiful place to live. This is to be expected and embraced; projects and programmes which deliver multiple benefits for more people are likely more sustainable in the long run. The solutions for climate change and the ecological crisis cover all levels of governance, from the United Nations…

… and central Government to our individual lives. We must push for top-level change, whilst building local adaptation and mitigation, making the necessary reductions on our collective carbon emissions and ecological footprints. Both strategies are needed, and we will encourage and support all action that achieves these aims. Adur & Worthing Councils (AWC) have…


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