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Search results for "biodiversity"

Including the closely related terms ecological, and species.

1 result

St Albans City and District Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… all the other Council priorities, including increasing the quantity and quality of social housing, supporting our communities and becoming a business-friendly Council. It builds on existing initiatives and covers sustainable development in the widest sense, tackling air quality, water and biodiversity as well as climate change. The Council has already cut emissions from our offices and contracted…

… action and lead the way to a more sustainable district. Amanda Foley, Chief Executive Page 4 Page 5 Introduction The news is filled with disturbing stories of an environment polluted in the most remote areas due to human activities. We hear about plastics in the oceans, declining air quality, habitat loss and species extinction. Every aspect of our lives is dependent upon the health…

… to higher malnutrition rates; many dry regions becoming dryer, wet regions wetter; unprecedented heat waves in many regions, especially in the tropics; substantially exacerbated water scarcity in many regions; increased frequency of high-intensity tropical cyclones; and irreversible loss of biodiversity, including coral reef systems”. The UK Commitment In the UK, the Committee on Climate Change (CCC…

… nature is permitted to mature by itself (ecological succession). Tree stocks purchased from abroad bring the risk of pests. There is also the use of peat, plastics (in ties and deer guards) and water, as well as resources for ongoing maintenance. Natural regeneration does not bring these risks. In contrast, as the land is allowed to ‘succeed’ from grassland to scrub and then woodland…


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