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Search results for "biodiversity"

Including the closely related term species.

1 result

Thanet District Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

…/ external funding achieved or identified/ funding required? Lead officer Other departments involved External stakeholders Draft Local Plan Range of policies to promote ● sustainable developments - Code level 4; Technical standards including water efficiency; building resilience ● renewable energy, ● biodiversity - net gain, protection of international European…

…- starting in Minnis Bay. More areas supporting biodiversity, in particular pollinators. Service efficiencies from reduction in mowing. Planned for early 2020 3 sites to be converted by end 2020. Open Spaces Manager Local community groups Thanet Coast Project Parish Council Natural environment- Grassland biodiversity improvements Cliff top chalk…

… and protection. Continue to work with community groups on small tree planting projects across the district such as Mocketts Drive, St Peters. More trees planted, providing more canopy cover. Supporting biodiversity, also carbon offset and air quality. Started, more projects due to commenc e before end 2019. Ongoing Funded through open spaces budget Open Spaces…

… networks with neighbouring authorities for biodiversity support, protection & growth. Connectivity between sites across district. pending development of KCC Biodiversity Strategy & Arboricult ural officer / South west nature partnership Waste, Recycling & Street Cleansing Area of focus Action Outcome Progress- Started/Pl anned/Pro posed Timescales Financial…

… environment- Biodiversity support and protection North East Kent Marine Protected Area (NEKMPA): marine and coastal environment Programme of actions - from awareness raising to projects for the NEKMPA To maintain coastal and marine habitats - including designated marine & bird species - in a favourable condition Started with launch of Managem ent Scheme, Action…


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