Including the closely related terms species diversity, ecological, and species.
…. • We will reduce the fragmentation of habitats by connecting our green and blue infrastructure. • We will reverse the decline in locally native species diversity and numbers. • We will adopt and apply the principles of “value for wildlife”, “ecosystem services” and “natural capital” in all our decision making. • We will recognise and address the conflicts between aspects of biodiversity…
…. • Launch an Urban Canopy Project to focus planting on public land to encourage biodiversity and provide other benefits such as improved air quality, flood reduction and heat mitigation through the provision of shade. • Increase urban tree numbers by accessing the Urban Tree Challenge Fund. • Undertake a review of citywide Tree Preservation Orders to provide protection for existing trees…
… managed for biodiversity. • Introduction of sustainable drainage systems into all new major developments. • Develop the existing Community Engagement Officer scheme to strengthen our partnerships with community groups and residents. • Deliver a rolling programme of species-specific projects and educational campaigns to support important animals including bats, hedgehogs and peregrines…
… that they have national and international status. In total, 20% of the city is classified as publicly accessible greenspace which provide community spaces that have been proven to improve health and wellbeing. The Council owns and manages the majority of open spaces with special biodiversity interests so has a key role to play in conserving biodiversity. It also neighbours areas such as New Forest…
… increasingly fragmented as more areas are developed. The high population density of Southampton puts direct pressures on habitats through disturbance, trampling, littering and pollution. There are extensive areas of short grass set aside for recreation which currently have little ecological value, but do provide an opportunity for enhancement. Access to good quality green space is vital for health…