Including the closely related terms increase biodiversity, biodiversity action, and biodiversity net.
… CHANGE NORTH TYNESIDE Carbon Net Zero 2030 Action Plan 2023/24 The role of Biodiversity Net Gain The authority is very aware that in order to meet the challenging 2030 target, action needs to be aligned with climate adaptation as mentioned in section 5 of the report. Other key local strategies include the local plan, biodiversity action plan, green infrastructure strategies and Local Nature…
… emissions from the atmosphere. Additional woodland will increase biodiversity and enhance the aesthetic nature of the area. We are also planting replacements for trees damaged by storms or disease. We will continue to identify new planting sites to increase the tree coverage of North Tyneside, working with local schools, parks, businesses, and residents. 15 ACTION ON CLIMATE…
… Recovery Strategies. Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) is a requirement of the Environment Act 2021 , imposing a mandatory 10 % increase in biodiversity after development compared to the level of biodiversity before the development. This requirement will ensure that there is an increase in biodiversity through new developments in North Tyneside whilst also protecting, enhancing and restoring habitats…