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Search results for "biodiversity"

Including 4 closely related terms such as ecological, species, and local biodiversity.

1 result

Three Rivers District Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… and Resilience’ and information on the likely impacts of climate change in Three Rivers. • Our consultation revealed a popular interest in food production and consumption and its relationship to climate change and wider ecological issues such as biodiversity loss, in acknowledgement of this, we have added in a new section to the Strategy titled ‘Food and Agriculture’. • In response…

… economy thrives through the growth of sustainable and green businesses. We recognise the key role that the Council has in inspiring local people to be part of the change and take pride in their area; contributing to the enrichment of local biodiversity, and altering habits to reduce their carbon, water and ecological footprints. It is also vital that we support and collaborate with local people…

… leaching from fertilised fields. A third of all food rotted even as the Amazon was deforested to produce more. Think of an environmental problem, and chances are it’s connected to waste”. 21 Aim: To ensure net gains in biodiversity to address the ongoing Ecological Emergency, protect and enhance precious habitats and species, and utilise nature to build climate resilience. Three Rivers…

… schools and Councillors, and by email to partner agencies. Additionally, Officers virtually attended the Local Strategic Partnership, Local Area Forums, the Environmental Forum, and school classes to discuss the strategy. Encouragingly, the aims and objectives of the Strategy were widely endorsed, with a shared sense of urgency regarding the climate crisis, biodiversity loss and environmental…

… by 11.3%9. Nevertheless, the trend of emissions reductions is only temporary, with emissions expected to rebound in 2021 and beyond as nations eagerly pursue economic recovery. Simply reviving the existing carbon-intensive, extractive economy will exacerbate the climate crisis, biodiversity loss and the consequent risk of recurring pandemics. Post-crisis recovery programmes thus present a once…


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