Including 4 closely related terms such as biodiversity strategy, biodiversity information, and biodiversity net.
… Biodiversity Gardening for wildlife Learn how to provide food, shelter and breeding spots for the wildlife in your garden. Wildlife Garden Project The National Biodiversity Network A collaborative partnership created to exchange biodiversity information, with over 200 members and almost 200 million wildlife records available. National Biodiversity Network DEFRA…
…] LDC Biodiversity Strategy - June 2021 (PDF) [1MB] LDC Fleet Replacement Strategy (PDF) [1MB] Right Here, Right Now COP26 films On Friday 12 November 2021 we held a film screening as part of the Depot Cinema's two week Climate Action Festival. The films shown are listed below…
…: Biodiversity 2020 A strategy for England's wildlife and ecosystem services. DEFRA Biodiversity 2020 (PDF) [2MB] Joint Nature Conservation Committee: UK Biodiversity Indicators 2020 The JNCC is the public body that advises the UK Government and devolved administrations on UK-wide and international nature conservation. JNCC: UK biodiversity indicators 2020…
… The National Trust: What is biodiversity? Europe's largest conservation charity, looking after nature, beauty and history for the nation to enjoy. National Trust - What Is Biodiversity? Natural England: Biodiversity The government's adviser for the natural environment, helping to protect England's nature and landscapes for people to enjoy. Natural England WWF…
…: Biodiversity The world's leading independent conservation organisation. For downloadable posters and worksheets go to WWF Biodiversity Agriculture and food Sussex Wildlife Trust A conservation charity for everyone who cares about nature in Sussex, focussed on protecting the rich natural life that is found across our towns, countryside and coast. Sussex Wildlife Trust Lewes Friday Food…