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Search results for "biodiversity"

Including the closely related term increase biodiversity.

1 result

North East Derbyshire District Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… and Local Plan ambitions can restrict what is realistically achievable. 17 Theme 6 - Biodiversity Context: Our parks, open spaces and green spaces are central to the lives of our communities, providing opportunities for leisure, play, relaxation, exercise, community cohesion, physical and mental health and wellbeing. They are also an opportunity to increase biodiversity, mitigate climate…

…. • Investigate plant, tree and hedge planting initiatives for longer term biodiversity benefits. • Identify opportunities to work with partners on schemes to increase biodiversity. Challenges: The cost implications of major tree and hedge planting schemes may be prohibitive and initiatives such as leaving grass cuttings in situ may not be seen as attractive to everyone, therefore explanations may…

… such as clearing and cleaning drains and waterways to prevent flooding and encouraging biodiversity in our green spaces all help to mitigate the effects of changing weather patterns. We are also working with our partners to inform and promote actions that will enable residents and businesses to contribute to reducing these emissions and, whilst there is always more to be done, we can clearly…

… be necessary to ensure that the reasons and biodiversity benefits are fully understood. Theme 7 - Waste and Recycling 18 Context: We operate a service that provides kerbside waste and recycling collection across the District for a wide range of items, a commercial refuse service for both general waste and recycling, and a clinical waste collection service. This ensures that all collected waste…

… Theme 3 - Low Carbon Transport 14 Theme 4 - Renewable Energy 15 Theme 5 - Planning 16 Theme 6 - Biodiversity 17 Theme 7 - Waste and Recycling 18 Theme 8 - Housing 19 Theme 9 - Local Economy 20 Theme 10 - Community Collaboration 21 Monitoring our Progress 22 Annex A - Policy Drivers 24 Annex B - Glossary 26 Annex C - Sources 27 3 Foreword Our aspiration is for our District…


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