… to biodiversity and ecology will allow for its continued protection and enhancement in development. Working with our partners at NatureSpace, safeguards are being adopted for the great crested newt and through the River Thames Scheme habitats will be created on Desborough Island. You can read the Elmbridge Cabinet agenda and watch the webcast. More information on Sustainable Elmbridge…
… climate change and sustainability work spans cleaner air and energy, carbon reduction in business and biodiversity for example and covers policy, funding, and action, in addition to communicating and engaging with the Elmbridge community. Councillor David Young, Portfolio Holder for Climate Change and Sustainability is proud to present the work of the last six months to the Elmbridge Cabinet…
…. The creation and implementation of the Green Fleet Strategy 2030 sets out our plan to decarbonise the council’s fleet vehicles by 2030. Biodiversity A thriving Elmbridge also involves creating the best environment for wildlife and biodiversity. When the draft Local Plan has been successful in its examination, the policies within it relating…