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Search results for "biodiversity"

Including the closely related term ecological.

1 result

London Borough of Brent

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… Community priorities Climate Emergency Our response to the climate emergency Our response to the climate emergency Climate & Ecological Emergency Strategy In July 2019, Brent Council declared a climate and ecological emergency and committed to do all in its gift to strive…

… for reaching that ambitious goal. Brent’s Climate & Ecological Emergency Strategy (.pdf, 7.07MB) is the culmination of a year of research, review, and engagement with our communities and colleagues. It sets out our proposed priorities and a pathway to carbon zero. You can find out more information about the Strategy and the consultation by clicking the links below…

…. Easy read version of Brent’s Climate & Ecological Emergency Strategy (.pdf, 7.18MB)  Summary of consultation responses to the draft Strategy (.pdf, 536.0kB)  Equality impact assessment for Brent’s Climate & Ecological Emergency Strategy (.pdf, 414.4kB)  How will we track progress? Every two…

… to tackle the climate emergency? Our Climate and Ecological Emergency Strategy has five key themes which are closely aligned to the priorities set out by residents within the Brent Climate Assembly and also align to the Climate Change priorities being pursued across London, putting us in what we believe is the best possible position to tackle the climate and ecological emergency in our borough…

… the operation of air source heat pumps, electrical vehicle charging, internal and external wall insulation, and a variety of other sustainable technologies. Adopted a new Sustainability Procurement Policy mobilises a potential £400m of council spending power towards tackling the climate and ecological emergency as all bidders for large council contracts now have to demonstrate how they will reduce emissions…


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