… bills, improving air quality and green spaces in the borough for residents and creating green jobs. Additionally, by adapting and planning for the risks of climate change we can reduce Spelthorne’s exposure to the costs of these risks, for example, flood damage to buildings, infrastructure and services. According to the Climate Change Committee’s recent report “Local Authorities and the Sixth…
… to reduce emissions from social housing through energy efficiency measures and reduce residents’ bills, whilst recognising the need for appropriate mechanical ventilation to maintain indoor air quality in some circumstances 2027 Housing/ CCO/ Knowle Green Estates Social Housing Decarbonisa- tion Fund 12. Council decision-making report template to contain Sustainability/Climate Change…
… Promoting the use of active transport over shorter distances to reduce car usage in shorter journeys and support via relevant organisations an increase in public transport 2025 CCT Corporate Priority Environment Plan 25. Implement the Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan Increasing opportunities for exercise through walking and cycling and improving air quality by reducing car…
… 2024 CCO/ Bio- diversity officer/ Parks team Key Action Key Task Desired Outcome Target Owner Funding (if required) Linked strategy Progress 49. Continue to expand the walking and cycling networks across the district and promote active travel and promote 20-minute neighbours Increasing opportunities for exercise through walking and cycling and improving air quality by reducing car…
… dependency, promoting walking and cycling as alternatives to car use and improving walking and cycling infrastructure within the Borough 2025 GHCT/ CCT Greener Fu- tures Delivery Plan action point (17) 50. Engage with the charity and voluntary sector to align efforts on tackling the climate emergency and improving air quality Continue to work with organisations such as Talking Tree…