Including the closely related terms improve air quality, national air quality, and local air quality.
… (no mains supply) Achieved and ongoing as new machines ordered to replace older machines will also be solar powered Economic 2017 C, A E Health A ir Q u a li ty Monitoring of air quality in the new forest Environmental and Regulation (Environmental protection) Planning Assessing air pollutant levels in accordance with the National Air Quality Strategy Production…
… to the work around transport. The Council has a regulatory role through environmental protection, licensing and planning regimes to monitor and improve air quality. Work is developing with partners to increase resident awareness, influence behaviour change, revise policies requiring positive climate change actions and seeking compliance with current industry standards. vii. Organisational…
… emissions from fleet and plant. Local air quality improvements, possible whole system cost reduction over life of vehicle/plant (case-by-case basis). Review commences January 2022 C I Conversion of all appropriate Grounds and Street scene Fleet to operate on Battery or Biofuel Grounds and Street scene in partnership with Transport Annual review of Fleet replacement…
… of LAQM Annual Status Reports which are reported to DEFRA Health nature Since 1995 A, N E A ir Q u a li ty The Clean Air Strategy sets out plans to improve air quality in the New Forest, improve health and protect the environment. Environmental and Regulation (Environmental protection) Completion and adoption of a Clean Air Strategy Council adoption and delivery…
…. vi. Health The Action Plan under this theme sets out actions relating to resilience, working with partners, providing education, advice and guidance to support businesses and the community in becoming more resilient in adapting to the climate change challenges by identifying risks and implementing mitigation measures. Air quality work is a key activity under this theme, heavily linked…