… to improve air quality and increase biodiversity. 2030 Air quality Health Adaptation Biodiversity T6.9 Investigate the potential for housing and highways land to be converted into a wetland or parkland. 2030 Biodiversity 10 Things we use Theme 1: Enabling low-carbon options Objectives: 1. Improve access to healthy, sustainable food, and reduce food waste. 2…
… possible and the provision of electric vehicle charging facilities Ongoing Air quality P1.8 Build partnerships with like-minded organisations to help support the viability of net zero development within the Borough Ongoing Green economy P1.9 Establish a programme for delivery of biodiversity net gain offset projects with details of biodiversity gains to be achieved 2022 Organisations…
… neighbourhood’ initiatives that ensure local amenities are accessible by walking and cycling as much as possible. Ongoing Accessibility; Air quality; Economy; Health T1.2 Facilitate remote working to reduce the impact of commuting and business travel, including through supporting broadband infrastructure and workplace travel plans. Ongoing Accessibility Air quality Economy T1.3 Work…
… with residents, community groups and champions, and organisations in the borough to improve digital inclusion and access to online social and economic opportunities. Ongoing Green Economy Health Air quality Theme 2: Active travel Objective: 1. Enable more active travel, such as cycling and walking. Actions Ref Action When Wider benefits T2.1 Develop street design that further…
… encourages safe cycling and walking and increases active travel journeys. 2023 Health Air quality T2.2 Expand cycle, cargo-bike and micro-mobility hire schemes Ongoing Health Air quality T2.3 Improve parking facilities for active travel by installing new dedicated active transport parking areas. 2022 Health Air quality T2.4 Work with employers to plan workplace active travel and improve…