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Search results for "air quality"

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Tandridge District Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), to ensure our planning policies support our commitment to climate change. For example: facilitating the delivery of low-carbon, energy efficient new residential development that produces a net-gain in biodiversity, improves air quality, and produces infrastructure that enables the delivery of wider ambitions on local renewable energy generation, vehicle…

… and residents, whilst reducing costs. 2. Transport and Air Quality  Taking forward our Place-based approach to development that creates well-connect communities close to high quality places and spaces which reduces the need for private vehicles.  Promote and encourage a shift away from private transport vehicles to an increased uptake of accessible public and active transport…

…; Food Systems - Reduce carbon emissions in District. Offsetting Mar 2023 Page 6 of 9 Initial Action Strategic Priority Change Outcome Action Priority Completed by - Increase biodiversity. - Improve District's air quality. Ensure our business continuity and emergency plans are robust from a climate change perspective Adaption - Increase Council’s climate resilience…

…. Mitigation Mar 2022 Category 2: How the Council can influence and encourage residents and businesses to reduce their emissions Actions Strategic Priority Change Outcome Action Priority Completed by Scope feasibility of installing Electric Vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure in the District Transport & Air Quality - Reduce carbon emissions in District. - Improve District's air

… the Council can engage with young residents on climate change Funding, Engagement & Other Actions - Support behaviour change. 3 Sep 2021 Revise our taxi policies to encourage the uptake of EVs Transport & Air Quality - Improve District's air quality. - Support behaviour change. - Save operational costs (long- term). 3 Dec 2022 Scope possibilities for improving active travel…


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