… Action T8 - as part of the Healthy Pupil Capital Fund, schools are receiving resources and support to help educate their pupils about air quality and take steps to improve the levels of pollution around the school. • Priority Action T11 - initiating an e-Scooter trial throughout the city. • Priority Action A&S5 - establishing a Cold Weather Plan which includes consideration of the impacts…
…) using secured funds. PROGRESS UPDATE - Revising business case for the Clean Air Zone to account for Covid-19 impacts prior to resubmission. NEXT STEPS - Resubmit business case to the Government's Joint Air Quality Unit (JAQU) 1 2 3 4 5 PAGE 9 T5 Develop and implement an emissions based parking tariff in the city centre and key commercial districts. PROGRESS UPDATE - Review…
…, and where possible enhance, the Healthy Pupil Capital Fund programme. PROGRESS UPDATE - 16 schools will receive resources and support to help educate their pupils about air quality and take steps to improve the levels of pollution around the school. 10 schools will receive an air quality monitor, 11 will receive a cycle store, 11 will get a scooter store, 14 will get cycle helmets to store…
… STEPS - Implement and monitor 1 year long trial. - Consider options for expanded e-Scooter scheme if trial is successful. T IMELINE: Page 10 1 2 3 4 5 T12 Prepare a bold, detailed and high quality submission to the Government for the recently announced Zero Carbon City Centre scheme. PROGRESS UPDATE - Early stage analysis conducted - discussions around air quality, junction design…