Including 5 closely related terms such as improve air quality, national air quality, and local air quality.
… concentrations of NO2 and other air pollutants at safe levels. 25 Air Quality Aim 2: Improve air quality across Buckinghamshire pursuant to achieving national air quality objectives Objective C: Reduce emissions to air from all council operations. Objective D: Reduce human exposure to harmful levels of air pollution. Governance and Management This section sets out our overall approach…
… in helping Buckinghamshire mitigate and adapt to a changing climate and air pollution. Actions taken so far include: installing solar photovoltaic systems, energy efficiency measures and electric vehicle charging points, flood risk management projects, and new walking and cycling routes. In addition, our Air Quality Action Plans detail measures to improve local air quality in areas where…
… is a national and local priority and an issue in which the council has a crucial role to play. National and European objectives and targets have been set to establish concentrations of air pollutants at levels deemed to be safe. Part IV of the Environment Act 1995 requires local authorities to review local air quality and assess whether air quality objectives will be achieved. Local Authorities monitor…
… local air quality using methods outlined in the Local Air Quality Management (LAQM) technical guidance and then reporting these results to DEFRA on an annual basis. If it is predicted that these will not be achieved an Air Quality Management Area (AQMA) must be designated and an Air Quality Action Plan put in place to improve air quality to acceptable levels. National emission reduction…
… areas in urban centres are often located close to key sources of air pollution. National air quality objectives, standards and targets have been set for the following air pollutants: • Particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5) • Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) • Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) • Tropospheric Ozone (O3) • Sulphur Dioxide (SO2) • Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) • Benzene • 1,3 butadiene…