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Search results for "air quality"

Including the closely related term local air quality.

1 result

Ashford Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… for cycling and walking to include active travel plans for business, infrastructure improvements and community based initiatives Increased confidence in local population to cycle/ walk to local destinations, improved health and wellbeing and local air quality 1. Number of businesses with active travel plans 2. Km of cycleway 3. Number of residents regularly walking and/or cycling 4.3 Enable…

… and facilitate a borough wide reduction in transport related emissions Develop a parking strategy to encourage an overall reduction in car usage and facilitate electric vehicle patronage Overall reduction in car dependency, improved local air quality, fewer road traffic accidents, increased patronage of local bus services, all residents can access public transport options to travel to key…

… forms of transport/vehicles Air quality in the borough improves 1. % of electric vehicles in council owned fleet 2. CO2 reduction per year from council owned vehicles 3. Reduction in mileage claimed for staff travel 4. Number of staff purchasing EV through lease car scheme 5. Reduction in travel to /from home/work by car Enable increased use of public transport and active travel…

…. This means benefiting from the health and wellbeing advantages associated with: warmer, more energy efficient homes; better air quality inside and outside; increased access to public green space; and a high quality natural environment thriving with wildlife. 3. Communities are well connected both digitally, and through an effective network of footpaths, cycle ways and public transport. This means active…


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