Including the closely related term local air quality.
… that it is one of the most welcoming places in the country for driving electric and hybrid vehicles. Air Quality The Borough Council has a statutory duty under Local Air Quality Management (LAQM) Legislation to review air quality within its area, and where concentrations exceed national objectives, put in place measures within an Air Quality Action Plan to reduce emissions. These statutory duties…
… at the time of writing), Tonbridge High Street, Borough Green and M20 monitoring sites within those AQMA’s all achieved levels below the 40µg/m-3 annual objective for Nitrogen Dioxide. However, our AQMA in Wa- teringbury still recorded the second highest level of Nitrogen Dioxide in Kent. Recognising the links between local air quality, planning, transportation, and climate change pollutants, we…
… and encourage the use of sus- tainable travel options and be early adopters of strategy documents aimed at improving air quality, including the KCC Energy and Low Emission Strategy. Habitats and Biodiversity In addition to key outdoor leisure sites, the Council has two country parks (Haysden and Leybourne Lakes Country Park) both of which have been awarded Green Flag awards. We produce management plans…
… work can therefore lead to a reduction in pollutants that con- tribute to climate change. Ongoing assessments of air quality within the borough of Tonbridge and Malling have identified six areas where levels of Nitrogen Dioxide have at some point ex- ceeded the annual objective limit of 40µg/m-3 and have been declared Air Quality Management Areas. These are; M20, between New Hythe Lane and Hall…
… H ab it at s an d B io d iv e rs it y The Borough Council will continually monitor and update its Air Quality Action Plan for these areas, and as part of this work will review the change in levels over the years. All monitoring sites within Tonbridge and Malling have shown a slow trend in the improvement in Nitrogen Dioxide levels. In 2018, (the last full year results available…