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Search results for "air quality"

Including the closely related term improve air quality.

1 result

Eastleigh Borough Council

Direct link to progress report (PDF)

… centres to businesses and from businesses to local customers that are made by zero emission transport. Work with local transport organisation to expand scheme into Eastleigh to reduce local fuel consumption and improve air quality. Plan to be out on consultation by September 2020. Whilst the plan is under development, several schemes have been awarded funding in partnership with HCC…

…, commercial fleet, taxis, low emission vehicles, cycling and walking, which will then inform the action plan. To reduce fuel consumption and air quality issues in the area, through modal shift to more sustainable travel. Cycling and Walking element of the strategy consultation by September 2020. Overall strategy by June 2021. Programme delayed due to a focus on responding the health crisis…

…, dust, land and overarching the Air Quality Action Plan which will be completed by March 2020. Reduction in local pollution issues. Project scoping by end of June 2020. Publish Strategy by end of September 2020. The scope of the pollution strategy has been set out. 26 Ecology Ecology - Trees - Develop a strategy to ensure that there is effective protection of existing trees through…

…, as vehicles come to end of life they are being considered for replacement with Electric of ULEV. 28 Ecology Ecology - Trees - Exploring the development of locally grown trees and plant stock with consideration of a peat free Council tree and plant stock nursery. Reduction in operational emissions, improvement in air quality and reduction in water consumption Investigation completed by June…

… emissions and decrease in local air pollution. By end 2021 An agreement has been reached with HCC regarding the approach to move this forward and Streetscene and the Local Areas have started to identify locations for further wildflower areas. 30 Energy and Offsetting Resources - Grey Water - Investigating potential to move to grey water harvesting for use in mechanical and compact sweepers…


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