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Search results for "air quality"

Including the closely related terms improve air quality, and national air quality.

1 result

Trafford Metropolitan Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… to improve air quality in Traford are managed including prioritising projects and resources as well as monitoring progress. The key objective is that through behavioural, strategic and infrastructure change, the level of nitrogen dioxide are reduced in line with national air quality objectives and that this work supports the principles of sustainable development. 2.0 Role of the Commission The role…

… relevant initiative and projects that would help to meet climate emergency objectives 6. Monitor the Council’s performance against Friends of The Earth’s ’31 Actions for Local Authorities’. 7. Develop, oversee and monitor the implementation of actions to improve air quality within Traford and to review progress towards achieving the aims and commitments of the Greater Manchester Clean Air Plan…

…. 8. Identify priorities for investigating and improving air quality across Traford and establish workstreams and commission strategies as required 9. Implement, monitor and review key performance indicators for air quality within Traford. 10.Establish Task and Finish Groups as required. 11.Provide 6mthly update reports to the Council’s Executive and Traford Partnership. 3.0 Meetings…

… as collaboration through geographical clusters are proposed as two important means of developing projects and actions. Alongside these building blocks will be two newly created groups - a Traford Climate Change and Air Quality Commission and a Traford Climate Emergency Resident’s Panel, supporting a Traford Citizen’s Assembly, where the action plan will be discussed and developed further as a result…

…. Figure 1 below illustrates the proposed governance arrangements. The main purpose of the Climate Change and Air Quality Commission will be to develop and progress the action plan and to co-ordinate the various workstreams and task and fnish groups. The proposed membership of the Commission is set out in Appendix 1 along with proposed terms of reference. The Climate Emergency Resident’s Panel…


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