Including the closely related terms designate air quality, improve air quality, and national air quality.
… as attractive and accessible green spaces enable people to access outdoor 1. Cheshire East Council will be carbon neutral by 2025 ➢ Carbon Action Plan 2. Reduce waste ➢ Municipal Waste Strategy 3. Improve air quality ➢ Air Quality Strategy, Air Quality Action Plan 4. Ensure new development is sustainable ➢ Local Plan 5. Increase sustainable transport and travel ➢ Local Transport Plan 6…
… of waste and increase re-use through the Council’s performance management system. OFFICIAL 11 May 2020 3. IMPROVE AIR QUALITY Pollution by particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) can impact public health and cause short and long term health effects. These pollutants also contribute to climate change by affecting sunlight reflection and absorption…
…. The protection and improvement of the air quality environment is both a national and local priority. Part IV of the Environment Act 1995 requires local authorities to review air quality in their area and designate air quality management areas (AQMA) if improvements are necessary. Where an AQMA is designated an air quality action plan (AQAP) describing the pollution reduction measures must then be put…
… in place to contribute to the achievement of air quality objectives at local level. Local Authorities are required to produce an Annual Status Report describing the strategies employed to improve air quality, the progress made in implementing actions, and to review the planned actions to ensure they reflect the latest understanding of effective air quality mitigation measures. The Air Quality…
… Action Plan and Annual Status Report must be submitted to Defra for assessment and feedback. The Cheshire East Air Quality Strategy (AQS)10 was updated in 2018. It provides an overarching strategic framework to deliver air quality improvements within the borough. Its purpose is to support the achievement of the national air quality objectives and raise air quality as an issue…