Including the closely related terms local air quality, and air pollution.
… local air quality Outline action Specific Action(s) Measure / Target Cost Carbon Impact Co-benefits Timeline AD Lead (s) 120. Deliver the Air Quality Action Plan Deliver the actions in the Richmond Air Quality Action Plan 2019-24 Air Quality Action Plan delivered Existing Low Improved Air Quality Q4 2023/24 Highways Operations and Streetscene / Traffic and Engineering Our data 121…
… Improved Air Quality Ongoing Regulatory Services 123. Undertake study to assess impact of wood burning on local PM2.5 levels, subject to funding Complete study and capture proposals Existing Enabling Improved Air Quality Ongoing Regulatory Services 124. Encourage and support citizen science activities that identify and tackle air pollution Positively encourage and support citizen…
… science activities where these actively contribute to identifying and tackling air pollution in the borough, including the provision of Diffusion Tubes and hand-held monitoring Monitoring devices provided Existing Enabling Improved Air Quality Ongoing Regulatory Services Our streets 125. Reducing air pollution from public transport Lobby TfL for cleaner, less polluting models of buses…
… Lobbying approach agreed Existing Medium Improved Air Quality Ongoing Planning and Transport 126. Implementing the Ultra Low Emissions Zone Work with TfL on preparing for the implementation of the ULEZ ULEZ implemented Existing Enabling Improved Air Quality Ongoing Planning and Transport 127. Reducing air pollution from deliveries Develop plans to place restrictions on delivery…
… fleet vehicles so they are ULEZ compliant Compliance with the LEZ and ULEZ for Council vehicles High Medium Improved Air Quality Q3 2021/22 Highways Operations and Streetscene 17. Develop a plan for all Council vehicles to be zero emission by 2030 Plan developed Existing Enabling Improved Air Quality Q1 2021/22 Highways Operations and Streetscene 18. Maintain Fleet Operator…