… List of Abbreviations ASHP Air source heat pump AQMA Air Quality Management Area CCC Cumbria County Council CO₂e Equivalent carbon dioxide DEC Display Energy Certificate DHW Domestic hot water EA Environment Agency FCU Fan coil unit GIS Geographic Information System GSHP Ground source heat pump LEP Local Enterprise Partnership LIS Local Industrial Strategy LTHW Low temperature hot water MVHR…
… source heat. Social IRR Internal rate of return on investment taking into account long term benefits to society, eg improvements in air quality/public health. 5 Cumbria County Council Serving the people of Cumbria 6 Cumbria County Council (CCC) is well placed to play a significant role in achieving the national goal of developing a zero-carbon economy, with the added benefit of making…
… and existing local infrastructure (eg biomass fuel supply chains). Improving quality of life for local residents - cutting CO₂e and NOx emissions will improve the air quality in the local area and reduce ailments related to bad air quality, potentially leading to reduced cost of related health care. Saving money - savings can be made to the Council budget through reduced energy usage, cheaper energy supply…