Including the closely related terms improve air quality, national air quality, and local air quality.
… –203016 W an d sw o rt h - A n e nv ir o n m en ta lly f ri en d ly b o ro u g h Air Quality Wandsworth’s most recent Air Quality Action Plan was adopted in 2016 and is designed to protect health, ecosystems and buildings, and to reduce pollution to below national air quality objectives. It contains measures to improve air quality across the borough helping to reduce the key…
… school arrival and departure times. Wandsworth Environment and Sustainability Strategy 2019 –203017 W an d sw o rt h - A n e nv ir o n m en ta lly f ri en d ly b o ro u g h Objectives We are committed to taking actions to improve air quality, identifying areas where levels of local air pollutants are exceeding air quality objectives and working with the community to reduce…
… infrastructure and make Wandsworth the easiest place in the country to run an electric car. • We will improve our air quality, with our actions on transport, planning and development all contributing to improving air quality, including tackling pollution and emissions from engine-idling. • We will reduce the amount of energy that we use as an organisation, improve the energy efficiency of our housing…
… Strategy to 2020 • Local Implementation Plan (LIP) • Local Air Quality Action Plan • Sustainable Procurement Strategy • Operational Enforcement Policy • Air Quality Action Plan 2016-2021 • Local Plan • Active Wandsworth Strategy 2017-2022 Drivers for action: There are many different drivers impacting on our approach to environment and sustainability, ranging from international…
… initiatives and projects to encourage walking, cycling, use of public transport and car sharing and to reduce carbon emissions from transport, improve air quality and create a transport network which supports a mobile, affordable low-carbon future and ensure that the transport network operates safely and efficiently to meet the needs of all users. Wandsworth will be an easy place to use, own…