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Search results for "air quality"

Including the closely related term improve air quality.

1 result

West Yorkshire Combined Authority

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… technologies West Yorkshire Low Emissions Strategy This document represents a joint commitment made by the local authorities of West Yorkshire and the Combined Authority to improve air quality across the region. It has key crossovers with both the City Region LEP SEP and WYTS, which look to reduce carbon emissions, improve efficiency and deploy low carbon technologies that will consequently improve

…, environment, health and wellbeing. 15 Particular challenges faced by the strategy include the size and diversity of the West Yorkshire region, which causes difficulties in balancing transport priorities and funding, the failure of road and rail investments in keeping up with economic and population growth, and the significant number of automobiles on the road affecting air quality

air quality. There is an important point to be recognized however, that a desire to grow the regional economy and boost productivity will likely have ramifications on air quality progress if not considered at these initial stages. The focus areas demarcated for tackling transport emissions are passenger cars, buses, trains, freight, taxis and public sector fleet vehicles. This will be funded…


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