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Search results for "air quality"

Including the closely related terms local air quality, and air pollution.

1 result

South Lanarkshire Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… and restoration of degraded peatlands • Accessible open/greenspace canopy cover and woodlands contributing to improving people’s health and wellbeing Climate Change Assessment Tool and Statutory Reporting • Indentify the threats to biodiversity from a changing climate Cleaner Air for Scotland • Local air quality action planning which includes measures that will provide co-benefits in terms…

…, helping to minimise flood risks, regulating the local climate (both air quality and temperature), and maintaining the supply of clean water and other resources. Protecting and enhancing the natural environment is a key factor in sustaining economic and social development, not just today but for future generations. A strong economy requires a strong society, and both depend on a healthy natural…

…. In some cases weather patterns, climates and natural environments are changing quicker than wildlife or people can adapt. Some of the effects of climate change could have serious effects which will amplify health implications such as increased sun exposure, increased air pollution, a longer and more intense allergy season and the spread of insect-borne diseases. Damage to property…

… that we all play our part in protecting and improving the quality of the air that we breathe. Pollution from road traffic, and particularly diesel fumes, is a significant cause of poor air quality. The council’s role is to monitor air quality and where concentrations exceed national levels, measures should be put in place to reduce emissions. Typical measures to reduce emissions from local…

… culture and products • Robust and reliable environmental data • Reduce air pollution • Provide safe, inclusive and accessible green public spaces and foster healthy lifestyles • Protect and safeguard South Lanarkshire’s cultural and natural heritage for future generations • Biodiversity conservation is an integral part of local development planning • Community-based participation…


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