… in the three AQ management areas by 2025 Neutral 11 Educate the public on how they can actively improve air quality whilst reducing carbon emissions Neutral Estimated Total Carbon Savings 103,623.37 The above figures are best estimates. RE Renewable Energy Generation in Council's owned assets tCO2 12 Increase the generation of renewable energy through investment in solar farms…
… the Great Depression, according to the International Monetary Fund (IMF). However, one rare positive to emerge from the periods of lockdown in 2020 and 2021 has been a drop in global greenhouse gas emissions and improvements to air quality, primarily because of a significant reduction in transport. The pandemic is the biggest shock to the global energy system, with annual predicted decline in carbon…
… Continue research and innovation programmes for the reduction of CO2 2898.77 EV Electric Vehicles tCO2e 7 50% Electric Vehicles (EVs) registered in the Borough by 2030. 45,000 8 Council's car fleet becomes entirely ultra-low emission by 2028. 45.2 9 100% new buildings are EV ready from 2022 Neutral AQ Air Quality tCO2 10 Reduce NO2 concentration by 50% against 2019 baseline…