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Search results for "air quality"

Including 5 closely related terms such as improve air quality, national air quality, and local air quality.

1 result

London Borough of Newham

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… Plan P a g e | 1 Foreword | The Mayor of Newham nder my administration, the council has put in place a raft of measures to tackle the negative impact of toxic air pollution in the borough, in keeping with a series of manifesto commitments I made when elected last May. This includes fully embracing the shift towards sustainable transport and improved air quality in the borough…

… to develop an action plan for the whole Council because it's important that we demonstrate our leadership to encourage other stakeholders to do the same. This new Air Quality Action Plan has been produced as part of our legal duty to London’s Local Air Quality Management strategy. It outlines the actions we will take to improve air quality in Newham between 2019 and 2024. These are more detailed…

… This Air Quality Action Plan (AQAP) has been produced as part of our duty to London Local Air Quality Management. The Plan has regard to Greater London Authority (GLA) guidance on air quality. We outline the action we will take as a Council to improve air quality between 2019 - 2024. This action plan replaces the previous action plan which was published in 2002. Recent air quality initiatives…

… number of child asthma hospital admissions. The annual health costs to society of the impacts of air pollution in the UK are estimated to be roughly £15 billion4. Newham Council is committed to reducing the exposure of its residents to poor air quality in order to protect and improve health. We have developed actions to improve air quality having regard to general guidance…

… that part and to meet the requirements of the London Local Air Quality Management statutory process5. 1| Summary of current air quality in the London Borough of Newham The UK Air Quality Strategy (AQS), released in July 2007, provides the overarching strategic framework for air quality management in the UK and contains national air quality standards and air quality objective's (AQO’s…


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