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Search results for "air quality"

Including the closely related terms air pollution, and air pollutants.

1 result

Greater Manchester Combined Authority

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… by 2038 and meet carbon budgets that comply with international commitments. 2. Air quality: To improve our air quality, meeting World Health Organisation guidelines on air quality by 2030 and supporting the UK Government in meeting and maintaining all thresholds for key air pollutants at the earliest date. 3. Sustainable consumption and production: To put us on a path to being a circular…

… Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership • Collaborate closely with stakeholders to support local area improvement of travel services and infrastructure • Work with partners and stakeholders to assist with improvement of local air quality • Monitor the environmental impacts associated with suppliers’ transport and logistics and work with them to find ways to minimise their traffic burden…

… looks like for Greater Manchester. It concluded that urgent action was needed to put Greater Manchester on a path to ‘carbon neutrality’ by 2038, initiating an immediate programme of mitigation delivering an annual average of 15% cuts in emissions. • Challenge 1: Mitigating climate change • Challenge 2: Air quality • Challenge 3: Production and consumption of resources…

… options to purchase green energy • Encourage innovation and support new technologies • Work with GM partners to assess opportunities for generating onsite renewable or ultra-low carbon energy SUMMARY OF OUR ACTIONS – ENERGY SUPPLY 12 | EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Our transport and travel Summary of the challenges and opportunities We need to improve our air quality and reduce CO2 emissions…

… between communities. Low income communities are amongst those groups that are more affected by air pollution, whilst other environmental factors such as access to green space and the quality and warmth of housing also have a significant bearing on health. There are also costs of not acting. For example, extreme weather (e.g. the 2003 heatwave) had a large impact on health services…


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