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Bath and North East Somerset Council

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… Climate Emergency Action Plan 2023 -24 | Bath and North East Somerset Council Skip to main content function showHideMenu(){ var element = document.getElementById("navigation-primary"); if (element.classList) { element.classList.toggle("navigation-primary--active…

2023 -24 This document is an overview of priority actions which the Council is taking to tackle the climate emergency. Published date: 16 May 2023 Last updated: 19 May 2023 Details It contains key actions categorised by strategic priority, noting progress and next steps, organised by the three priority areas for action…

… of the strategic priorities. This document is updated annually. Documents File Climate Emergency Action Plan 2023 - 2024 Last updated 19 May 2023

… Accessibility Contact Us Privacy Policy Disclaimer Cookies Copyright © 2023 Bath & North East Somerset Council Follow us on social media…

East Staffordshire Borough Council

Direct link to progress report (PDF)

… Appendix 1: The Climate Change and Nature Action Plan - Progress end 2023-24 Ref Action Measure/ Target Working with Timescale Responsible Service RAG Update 1. Climate Change & Nature Strategy Aim 1 - Protect climate from man-made climate change 1.2 Energy generation for users in the Borough 1.3 Domestic energy…

… action plan number before restructure in brackets Outbreak Management Fund’ (COMF). In total, 61 households have received improvements such as insulation upgrades, new heating systems or renewable energy installations or expect to receive them in the near future. LAD3: Third phase of Local Authority Delivery: The scheme closed in September 2023. LADS implemented energy efficiency…

… Obligation (Phase 4, Local Authority Flex): The scheme aims to improve energy efficiency and address fuel poverty for eligible households owning or renting their homes. From 1st April 2023 to 31st March 2024, through our delivery partners, Beat the Cold, the Council has produced declarations for a total of 38 households. The average funding value per household is £28,000 with an average…

… installed and advice provided Council & Partners Q4 2025/26 Env Health On Track Ongoing partnership working with Beat The Cold to provide an energy efficiency advice service. This has provided energy advice support to 339 households in 2023/24. It has created an estimated £4,039 worth of savings from tariff advice and £29,050 worth of savings from referrals to water tariff support…

…; Partners Q4 2023/24 Env Health Off Target 25 properties received energy efficiency measures in 23/24 at an average cost of £70 per property. The budget has been carried forward to continue delivery in 24/25. occupant is on Council tax reduction 1.4 Transport & travel for people in the Borough 1.4.1 (7.1) Develop an action plan for the introduction of electric charging…

Lincolnshire County Council

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… Carbon Management Plan Summary Doc Lincolnshire County Council Summary Carbon Management Plan 2018-2023 December 2018 Version: Final Carbon management progress review 1 CMP 1 Achieved a 20% reduction on the 2005/6 baseline by March 2012 CMP 2 Achieved a 22% reduction on the 2011/12 baseline by March 2018 CMP 3…

… Aiming to achieve a further 20% reduction in emissions by 2023   Reduced our footprint by 14,504 tonnes of carbon and reduced related costs by £9.4 million Cumulative carbon savings over the past 5 years have reached 37,010 tonnes of carbon Looking ahead to CMP 3, which sets out our strategy and action plan for continuing to reduce carbon emissions over the next 5 years 2 Why…

…-2023 Our vision is to maintain a leading role in local efforts to reduce the impacts of climate change. To achieve this aim we have set a target that is challenging, yet realistic. Saving 5,736 tCO2 over 5 years. 20,000 22,000 24,000 26,000 28,000 30,000 32,000 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 C O 2 e E m is s io n s ( to n n e s ) Comparison of Emissions with predicted…

… Business As Usual (BAU) increase and reduction targets BAU 20% reduction We will reduce the carbon emissions from our activities by 20% by 2023, from a 2016/17 baseline of 28,679 tonnes CO2e. TARGET FOR 2023 6 Why reach this target?  Cost savings  Raised awareness of climate change amongst staff, stakeholders and the public  Positive community…

… leadership  Contribute towards national targets  Compliance with legislation BENEFITS OF ACHIEVING THE TARGET £9 £10 £11 £12 £13 £14 £15 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 C o s t (£ m ) Comparison of Carbon related costs with Business As Usual (BAU) increases and reduction targets BAU 20% reduction With no action on carbon, annual utility costs for LCC could…

East Cambridgeshire District Council

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… Wheeled Bins Black Sacks Black Sack Annual Delivery 2023 Waste A-Z Assisted Collections Alternative Collection Service Additional Bins…

Argyll and Bute Council

Direct link to meeting minutes (PDF)


… to increased cost or censure if targets are not met. 3.8 Customer Service – Creating warmer or more efficient homes that are cheaper to heat is a positive for all. Douglas Hendry Executive Director with responsibility for Commercial Services Councillor Ross Moreland Policy Lead Climate Change & Environment 5th April 2023 For further information contact: Ross McLaughlin Head…

… ACTION LEAD (L) AND PARTNERS TARGET or MILESTONE FUNDING COMMENTS Procurement Policy will be updated to reflect the Climate Change Board desire to limit SUP where possible – wording has been included in the Annual Review 2023/2024 version of the Procurement Strategy 2022/2025 as follows: “To provide procurement support to any strategic decisions taken by the Council in relation…

… (L) Commercial Services and Education Evidence of extension of pre-ordering & food waste reduction Project funded and solution procured Project Team currently implementing this, with full project end date estimated as June 2023. E1 – Deliver Renewable Sourcing Strategy 2 (L) Commercial Services Adoption of Strategy RSS2 consultancy work funding to be confirmed…

… in progress; intended to be market tested during 2023. E2 – Delivery of Non-domestic Energy Efficiency Framework (NDEEF) Projects (L) Commercial Services Evidence of delivery of projects Project development work is funded by combinations of the Scottish Government and the procured provider (costs absorbed within the tender process). Funding for project implementation will come from…

Spelthorne Borough Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… to monitor and reduce our Scope 3 emissions as well. Scope 1 & 2 CO2e Trajectory 1,400 1,200 1,000 800 600 To nn es o f C O 2e 400 200 2019 2020 2021 2022 Gas Oil Vehicle Electricity 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 SPELTHORNE CLIMATE CHANGE STRATEGY @spelthornebc @spelthorneboroughcouncil 5 Key Action Key Task Desired Outcome Target Owner Funding…

… of 2023 Climate Change Team (CCT)/ Officer £10 per staff member to come from training budget Greener Futures Plan action point (52), Corporate Priority Environment Plan First training session booked for 28th Sept for 24 members of staff 2. Ensure a robust reporting and monitoring progress for all SBC emissions To be able to better monitor and understand SBC emissions…

… including Scope 3 and reduce these Q4 2023 CCO/SO/ ICT Working with Project Manager of Carbon Eco- nomics and Data at SCC on report- ing process 3. Carry out energy audits on main Council operations buildings and assets to identify and reduce energy use Utilise the energy audits carried out on Council buildings to in- form future projects to increase energy efficiency measures across…

… SPELTHORNE CLIMATE CHANGE STRATEGY @spelthornebc @spelthorneboroughcouncil 6 Key Action Key Task Desired Outcome Target Owner Funding (if required) Linked strat- egy Progress 5. Carry out an energy and car- bon audit of all Corporate IT functions Understand the hidden emissions of ICT and develop a plan to reduce these 2023 ICT/CCT Green Initiatives Fund (GIF…

… climate change is a key issue for SBC and allow easy access to resources for staff and residents By Q3 of 2023 CCO/SO/ Comms team/ICT 16. Develop a green event checklist for event companies and suppliers to report their carbon footprint for Spelthorne events Allow SBC to influence suppliers to reduce emissions and to choose suppliers who are actively tackling their emissions…

Norfolk County Council

Direct link to progress report (PDF)

… Executive Summary In June 2023, Norfolk County Council (NCC) launched its Climate Strategy, which sets out how the council can address its own carbon footprint and its role in supporting Norfolk’s transition to become a greener and more resilient county. In March 2024, Norfolk County Council’s Climate Policy was unanimously endorsed by councillors to ensure that the council's approach to climate change…

… was recognised in the 2023 Council Climate Action Scorecards where Norfolk County Council was independently ranked second among England’s County Councils for its climate action approach and initiatives. Each action is rated through a ‘RAG’ system to provide a clear and simple indication of our progress. In this system, the actions are given a colour which represents their progress status, including…

… the actions, this annual report also provides the latest data on our estate emissions for the year 2023/24 and the latest available Norfolk-wide emissions data, which is for 2022. In 2023/24, our estate emissions fell 9% compared to the previous year and they are now 61% lower than they were in 2016/17. This positive trend shows continued progress towards reaching our target to reach net zero for our own…

… Council's actual estate emissions and targets to 2030 Our emissions dashboard provides information on our estate emissions and business travel for each year from 2016/17 to 2023/24. We follow international standards set out by the Greenhouse Gas Protocol by reporting our emissions as tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (written in short as tCO2e). This is used to report all greenhouse gases…

… together in one single measure. Figure 2 Norfolk County Council’s estate emissions broken down by emissions sources from 2016/17 to 2023/24 https…

Derbyshire County Council

Direct link to progress report (PDF)

…). The Council’s net zero target includes four sources of emissions: • Corporate property (gas, electricity, oil and propane use) – excluding schools • Streetlighting (electricity use) • Core fleet (mileage) • Grey fleet (mileage) 2.4 Carbon emissions from the Council estate and operations (the above four sources combined) have fallen by 7% between 2022-23 and 2023-24, from 12,624 tonnes…

… for the four emissions sources for 2023-24 against the previous year and the baseline year (2009-10), and Table 2 outlines progress to reduce emissions. Table 1: Summary of Council emissions (in CO2e) Emissions source Emissions in 2023-24 Change since previous year (2022- 23) Change since baseline year (2009- 10) Corporate property 6,846 tonnes 8% reduction 56% reduction…

… corporate property between 2022-23 and 2023-24, carbon savings were only 8% because of a rise in the carbon intensity of UK grid electricity, which is beyond the Council’s control. If grid electricity had continued to decarbonise at the same rate as previous three years, the emissions from corporate property would have been 17% lower in 2023-24 than in 2022-23. This places a risk on the Council’s…

… decarbonisation plans. The carbon savings achieved from corporate property during 2023-24 are as a result of a continued focus on property rationalisation and improved monitoring and control of energy use. Further steady emission reductions in future years are expected from ongoing property rationalisation and improved energy management. However, achieving savings at the magnitude needed to achieve…

… but will rise over time. Streetlighting Despite electricity use for streetlighting being 4% lower in 2023-24 than in 2022-23, carbon emissions rose by 3%, again due to the increase in the carbon intensity of UK grid electricity. The streetlighting LED replacement programme is nearing completion with 99.4% of the Council’s 89,000 streetlighting assets now converted to LED. The delivery…

Eden District Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… or alternatively increase income must be made within the context of the Council’s stated priorities, as set out in its Council Plan 2019-2023 as agreed at Council on 7 November 2019. 6.2.2 Budget has been allocated to the activity outlined in the zero carbon strategy in appendix 1. There are no proposals in this report that would reduce or increase resources at this present time. 6.2 Legal 6.2.1…

… ....................................................................................................... 7 2.1 Climatic and Ecological Emergency ....................................................................................... 7 2.2 The Corporate Plan 2019-2023 ............................................................................................... 7 2.3 Recovery Plan…

… authority we also have the ability to directly and indirectly influence the emissions of the district as a whole. 2.2 The Corporate Plan 2019-2023 The Zero Carbon and Biodiversity Strategy is fundamental to the delivery of our Council Plan. This underpins the Council’s work by setting out its clear vision for the district and the priorities it will focus on in order to deliver that vision…

…. For clarity the following Plan is split into 6 key themes: 1) Our Assets and Energy 2) Sustainable Transport 3) Waste 4) Support 5) Community Engagement and Publicity 6) Land Use 4.3 Our Asset and Energy Our Assets and Energy 2021-2023 Objectives Associated Actions Measurement/ Target Internal or External Action Corporate Objective Reduce carbon emissions…

… emissions. Use the same tool to determine the energy, carbon and financial savings of Voreda. Action feasible when officers will move and start working in Voreda house (2023). Internal Sustainable Carbon Management Plan - EDC buildings* Assess the carbon footprint of each building owned / managed by EDC and identify measures to reduce their carbon emissions. Finished to complete…

Warrington Borough Council

Direct link to summary document (PDF)

… Warrington Borough Council Climate Emergency Action Plan May 2023 (Summary version)1 Climate Emergency Action Plan (Summary version) Warrington Borough Council Climate Emergency Action Plan May 2023 (Summary version)2 Foreword “I am pleased to present the council’s latest climate action plan, which details what we will do locally…

… change Warrington Borough Council Climate Emergency Action Plan May 2023 (Summary version)3 Introduction A thickening blanket of pollution in the atmosphere is overheating our world. This has serious consequences for our lives and livelihoods and the natural world. We need to stop this pollution to prevent things getting worse. We also need to adapt to the impacts of the overheating…

… and distribution (T&D) 4% Water 0% Heating 22% Authority’s Fleet 26% Electricity 43% 12,110.83 5,889.70 0 5000 10000 15000 20 14 -15 20 15 -16 20 16 -17 20 17 -18 20 18 -19 20 19 -20 20 20 -21 20 21 -22 T C O 2 E YEAR Gross Carbon Emissions Over TimeGross carbon emissions over time Warrington Borough Council Climate Emergency Action Plan May 2023 (Summary version)4 Goal…

… lighting and less power use Timescale Short Short Short Short Medium Medium Lead Directorate Growth Growth Corporate services Growth Growth Env & Transport Warrington Borough Council Climate Emergency Action Plan May 2023 (Summary version)5 Area for action: Fleet decarbonisation Our vehicle fleet and use of equipment accounted for more than a quarter of the carbon footprint…

…; Transport Env & Transport Env & Transport Env & Transport Warrington Borough Council Climate Emergency Action Plan May 2023 (Summary version)6 Area for action: Staff travel Greenhouse pollution arising from business travel totalled 179.5 tonnes CO2e in 2021/22. This is around 3% of our operational footprint. We also need to consider how our employees commute and how visitors…

Forest of Dean District Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… Perrin, Climate Emergency Officer Forest of Dean District Council Page 2 of 68 18 January 2023 Contents Foreword ..................................................................................................................................................... 3 Executive Summary…

…/ Forest of Dean District Council Page 3 of 68 18 January 2023 Foreword Thank you for taking time to read our Climate Emergency Strategy and Action Plan. Considering and acting on climate change is at the heart of our Corporate Plan. We have committed to consider the impact on climate change in all our decision-making, aiming to make the council…

…/ Forest of Dean District Council Page 4 of 68 18 January 2023 Executive Summary The 2015 Paris Agreement set a goal of holding the increase in the global…

…/ Forest of Dean District Council Page 5 of 68 18 January 2023  Due to its rural setting; the opportunity to lead and champion ecological farming and land management practices that increase both biodiversity and carbon sequestration.  The potential for investment on a grand scale to aid the economic recovery from…

…. These cover actions prioritising, but not limited to, the priorities set out above. Forest of Dean District Council Page 6 of 68 18 January 2023 The Council’s Lead Officers for climate change will review and update this strategy and action plan regularly between…

North Ayrshire Council

Direct link to pre-plan (PDF)

… the proposal to review the consultation findings to inform the Environmental Sustainability & Climate Change Strategy 2020- 2023 which is currently being developed for future Cabinet consideration mid-2020. 1. Executive Summary 1.1 The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) published a report in October 2018 recommending immediate action be taken to reduce global…

… the next Environmental Sustainability & Climate Change Strategy (ESCCS) 2020-2023. 1.5 The third ESCCS (2020-2023) is due to be published in Summer 2020, with actions identified to achieve the net-zero emission reduction target. It is proposed that this target be achieved by 2030. It is further proposed that two new workstreams are included in the strategy, to support climate change…

… (2020-2023) is underway, taking cognisance of the most recently published climate change reports and continuing this cross-service approach. 2.8 An online consultation ‘Climate Change: Just Cool It,’ was launched in August 2019, seeking views on climate change from young people and those who live or work in North Ayrshire. A further 67 responses were collected from the recent Annual Youth…

… the Council is currently doing to tackle climate change, and there is a call to create a Climate Change Steering Group, to provide representation on decision making platforms across the Council. The ESCCS (2020-2023) will include specific actions to address the views and requests received from this exercise, and future carbon reduction projects will be influenced by this consultation’s output. 2.9…

… on a 2005/06 baseline year). We should seek to address this shortfall and support the reduction trend by investigating carbon absorption solutions, developing renewable energy generation opportunities and investing in new technologies to deliver low carbon heat and energy supplies across domestic, non-domestic and transport sectors. 2.10 The ESCCS (2020-2023) which is being developed will also…

Calderdale Metropolitan Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… the Climate Action Partnership. As a group, the Partnership’s role is to: • Start work on a Climate Resilience Plan in 2022 • Produce a delivery plan by 2023 • Develop, review, and update our Action Plan • Release our first annual review in 2023 7 7 - Establishing a Calderdale Climate Change Partnership.pdf DRAFT • Make…

… progress can ease climate anxiety and knowing where we are falling behind can help us focus on action. Working Together A key action is to set up a Calderdale Climate Action website by 2023 where we can share innovation and strengthen everyone’s voices. We will regularly publish our progress: we have committed to annual progress reports but want to update you more frequently than this. We will use…

…, and secure the funding. We recognise this challenge, and finding resources is a key action. We know that the actions outlined in the plan will have long-term financial benefits: we see it as an investment in the borough’s future. We will produce our influencing strategy by 2023. Our Themes and Key Actions - Shared Voice 9…

… of suggestions and different advice providers can be overwhelming. It is important that people can get honest, factual advice from someone local that they trust and who they can go back to if they have further questions. Working Together Whether it’s online, on the phone, or high-street based, we aim to launch low-carbon community advice hubs across Calderdale, launching the first one in 2023. We…

… bronze level and aim to move to silver by 2023 and gold by 2025 or sooner. Our Themes and Key Actions - Community Climate Action 15…

Hartlepool Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

2023 Climate Change Net Zero Strategy and Action Plan 2 2023 Climate Change Response and Net Zero Strategy Contents 1 Leader’s Foreword – 2023 Climate Change Response and Net Zero ............................. 4 2 Executive Summary…

… .............................................................................................................. 56 Appendix A – Climate Change Response and Net Zero Action Plan ............................... 56 Appendix B – The Causes and Impacts of Climate Change ............................................. 65 3 2023 Climate Emergency Response and Net Zero Strategy 4 2023 Climate Emergency Response and Net Zero Strategy 1 Leader’s Foreword – 2023 Climate…

… any authority in the collective responsibility we have to take care of our place. Hartlepool is extremely important to me. The people who read this are incredibly important to those who have spent many days, weeks and months putting this strategy together. And it is together that we will look to work on the solutions, changes and positive opportunities in order 5 2023

… Climate Emergency Response and Net Zero Strategy that we might all take seriously our part in our place for the environment that we so desperately need to take better care of. My vision of 2023 – 2033 is quite large. Some say too large. But I see a Hartlepool that grows in efficient ways using innovative materials and energy saving software and energy storing devices in order to deliver…

… of an MMC home. I see us taking our place in ensuring businesses and wider homes can benefit from the Home Energy Management Systems and Business Energy Management Systems as we each look to move our homes and places of work into a new energy and cost efficient future that protects us from the kind of cost of living crisis we have seen since the end of 2021 and continue to suffer from in 2023

Torbay Council

Direct link to action plan (HTML)

… and Corporate Plan (2019-2023). Therefore, as a council we need to change how we work, develop new actions and ways of working that will help to minimise the impact the Council has on the natural environment and play our part in tackling the climate emergency locally. Back to top Scope This Carbon Neutral Council Action Plan outlines the actions the Council will take…

… £1m on projects to decarbonise our estate and fleet. Bid for national decarbonisation funds such as Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme and Low Carbon Skills Fund Upgrade Torre Abbey’s Arid House boilers to low carbon heat pumps Install solar panels on Tor Hill House Complete the development of 2 solar farms in Torbay Review the corporate energy contract in 2023 and procure greener energy from…

… solutions can also help alleviate flood risk and help reduce summertime temperatures/localised heat island effects. We will: Continue to deliver effective tree planting schemes as part of the three-year funded i-tree 2 initiative, including planting over 350 trees by 2023. Develop a new Tree Planting Strategy for Torbay Refresh the Tree and Woodland Framework Strategy which aims to ensure the safety…

… timescales for delivery of actions Council estate, energy and streetlighting Action Timescale 2022 Timescale 2023 Timescale April 2024 Bid for national…

… robust carbon footprint for the Council * Review the corporate energy contract in 2023 and procure greener energy from 2024 * * Spend at least £225,000 on energy efficiency projects through the existing Salix Recycling Fund. * * * Spend £1m on projects to decarbonise our estate and fleet/other. * * * Upgrade remaining streetlighting (~30-35%) to new LED lighting and investigate ways…

Tandridge District Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… 1 Year 1 = date of plan approval to end March 2022, Year 2 = April 2022 – March 2023, Year 3 = April 2023 – March 2024 etc. Page 5 of 9 Initial Action Strategic Priority Change Outcome Action Priority Completed by Develop a business case for all Council vehicles to be powered by electric or other low carbon alternatives Organisational Emissions Reduce organisational emissions…

… - Reduce organisational emissions. - Support behaviour change. 3 July 2021 Scope reducing water consumption across the Council Organisational Emissions - Reduce organisational emissions. 3 Mar 2023 Scope reducing the volume of paper purchased across the Council Organisational Emissions - Reduce organisational emissions. 3 Mar 2023 Review the Council’s financial investments…

…; Food Systems - Reduce carbon emissions in District. Offsetting Mar 2023 Page 6 of 9 Initial Action Strategic Priority Change Outcome Action Priority Completed by - Increase biodiversity. - Improve District's air quality. Ensure our business continuity and emergency plans are robust from a climate change perspective Adaption - Increase Council’s climate resilience…

… in the District Transport & Air Quality - Improve District's air quality. - Reduce carbon emissions in District. - Improve users’ health & wellbeing. 3 Dec 2023 Produce a Green and Blue infrastructure Supplementary Planning Document in line with Our Local Plan Housing, Planning, Buildings & Infrastructure - Support behaviour change. 3 Mar 2025 Evaluate use of business…

…) in the District Energy Generation - Support renewable energy production / distribution. - Reduce carbon emissions in District. - Support future EV fleet vehicles. 2 Mar 2023 Work with partners to support the installation of smart meters in the District and residents switching to ‘green’ energy tariffs Housing, Planning, Buildings & Infrastructure - Reduce carbon emissions in District…

Crawley Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… Draft Climate Emergency Action Plan SHORT TERM = over financial years 2021/22 and 2022/23 MEDIUM TERM – from 2023/24 to 2026/27 – subject to agreement of the detail and a funding plan LONG TERM – 2027-2030 - subject to agreement of the detail and a funding plan Overarching Enabling Actions – through 2022/23 Action…

… demand and which serve our residents are not adversely affected. Develop plan in 2022/23 for 2023/24 budget Action Owner/Finance/Climate Emergency Board Staff time Staff Climate Literacy Develop & implement staff engagement & training programme focussing on skills enabling staff to incorporate carbon reduction actions into their work and service delivery. Offer…

… laptops and new MFDs. Move servers to the cloud to vastly reduce carbon footprint in terms of hardware. COMPLETE SHORT From 2021 No of MFDs more than halved MEDIUM HIGH MEDIUM 2023/24 onwards Begin implementing estate wide carbon reduction plan Identify potential carbon reduction and energy efficiency interventions based…

…) by 2030. Link retrofit plans into existing planned maintenance and repair plans. Ongoing HIGH must first undergo energy efficiency retrofit to reduce energy demand Resources to be agreed 2023/24 onwards Implement switch from gas No new gas boilers to be installed by 2025 at the latest. Implement retrofit plan to low carbon heat. Switch…

… to zero carbon new build. Head of Crawley Homes 2021/22 HIGH HIGH MEDIUM Assess additional resource requirement for builds planned 2023/24 onwards Net Zero Collective Learning from first 10 property types to inform retrofit action plan and commence delivery for some of portfolio. Retrofit or regenerate remaining portfolio. Head of Crawley Homes MEDIUM LONG…

Dover District Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

…. • Car park lighting switched off at night. • Pools covered at night to reduce heat loss. • Aircon regulated to meet demands. • Unfortunately, solar panels on centre currently not operational to comply with insurance company recommendations, however remedial works due to complete by end of April 2023. Tides Leisure Centre – since April 2022 energy consumption reduced by 9.1…

… Strategy + Local Plan Democratic Services and relevant Head of Service S, ongoing Guidance for Officers on Climate change and Environmental Implications. From January 2020 all cabinet reports include a Climate Change and Environmental implications section in Cabinet reports now a requirement.…

…-site-in-Dover-transformed-into-16-studio-flats-for-people-facing-homelessness.aspx Some projects will be limited due to type / location/ materials/budgetary factors. Climate Change and sustainability issues…

…’ will also be taken forward through the development of the new Corporate Plan in 2023 and encourage Heads of Service to address the issue within their Service Plans. Add Climate lens to all internal audits East Kent Audit Partnership M, Ongoing Action for Head and Deputy Head of Audit – followed up on 02.12.22. Confirm support of Kent wide Strategies (Energy & Low…

… continue to consider any opportunities that may arise including renewable energy and energy storage although government restrictions on the use of PWLB funds have placed some limits on the extent of such investment options. Ringfence funds for green initiatives Strategic Director (Resources) S Jan 2023 - Given the current budget pressures this is not a realistic option…

Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… Basingstoke and Deane Climate Emergency Action Plan 2022 to 2023 Basingstoke and Deane Climate Emergency Action Plan - 2022 to 2023 This is the second update of Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council’s Climate emergency Action Plan since it was adopted alongside the Climate Change and Air Quality Strategy in March 2021…

…: Council Operations Emissions Reduction: Low Cost: None Funding Source: Internal resources (Staff time) Income Generation?: No Review of key policies related to SWOW underway Spring 2023 In Progress HR Climate Change and Sustainability Team Reduction in ‘grey fleet’ or business mileage The Smarter Ways of Working (SWOW) programme has now concluded…

… and hybrid, flexible working is now normal practice. This has led to an approximate 1/5th reduction in travel to work. The climate change team regularly reviews a forward plan of upcoming work, including relevant policies to ensure they are reviewed by the climate team. A review of staff benefits is underway and expected to be completed in spring 2023. 1.4 Support for existing the Low…

…- wide Emissions Reduction: Low Cost: Low (£) Funding Source: Internal and European Grant Funding Income Generation?: No Q3 2021 – Q2 2023 In Progress Economic Development Climate Change and Sustainability team Businesses supported. Modelled carbon reduction Council continuing to promote scheme through multiple channels, including directly with businesses…

…. The scheme will continue to be pushed until it closes in mid-2023 1.12 Support and tools for businesses to understand climate change and take action to tackle this Council/ Borough: Borough- wide Emissions Reduction: Medium Cost: Low (£) Funding Source: TBC Income Generation?: No Ongoing To be actioned Climate Change and Sustainability team Economic development…


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