… Burnley Climate Change Strategy 2022-2026 BURNLEY CLIMATE CHANGE STRATEGY 2022 - 2026 Burnley Climate Change Strategy 2 CONTENTS 1. Introduction 3 - Climate Emergency Declaration 3 2. The established causes &…
… until 2035. Building Regulations 3.5 The Building Regulations set minimum standards for many aspects of construction of new buildings and certain alterations, including energy efficiency. 3.6 In December 2021 the government introduced changes to the Building Regulations (Part S), effective from 15 June 2022 to require the installation of infrastructure (charging points and/ or cabling…
… forward in the earlier part of 2022, and that the proposed changes to the planning system will be “channelled through the prism of levelling up”. 12 Burnley Climate Change Strategy 8 4. The Scope of the Strategy Burnley Council’s Role 4.1 Burnley is within a ‘two-tier’ area for local government which means that it has both a county council (Lancashire County Council) that delivers…
… into force in 2022 and 2023 (See section 3.) 5.6 The Council will work closely with the county council to progress on-street charging options and private owners to progress the ULEV charging infrastructure. Progress 5.7 Between 2019 and 2020 Burnley recorded a 76% increase in Battery Electric Vehicles, exceeding the Lancashire average of 56%. However, the total number of privately registered…
… available rapid chargers. Table: Availability of Public Chargers Publicly Available chargers (All Speeds) Per 100K Population % Change Publicly Available Rapid Chargers Per 100K Population % Change Burnley April 2020 13 14.7 2 2.3 April 2021 18 20.2 3 3.4 April 2022 29 32.5 +61.11% 8 9.0 +166.67% Hyndburn April 2020 15 18.6 5 6.2 April 2021 23 28.4 6 7.4 April 2022 22…
… CLIMATE CHANGE BOARD 8th December 2022 CLIMATE CHANGE BOARD UPDATE & DE-CARBONISATION TRACKER 3.0 INTRODUCTION 3.1 This report highlights recent activity of Climate Change Board. 4.0 RECOMMENDATIONS 4.1 The Policy and Resources Committee are asked to note and consider the updates contained at Section 5 of the report and the full De…
… & Officers considered the political presence at CCB was constructive. B – Kilmory Biodiversity Project Shortlisted for 3 National Awards 5.3 A project backed by CCB and previously discussed at Policy & Resources Committee and delivered earlier in 2022 has now been shortlisted for 3 national awards. 5.4 Argyll & Bute Council, ACT and Scottish & Southern Electric…
… Networks (SSEN) partnered to plant 30ha planting in our Kilmory Estate in Lochgilphead on land as part of woodland conservation and compensatory planting resulting from power line upgrades. The sapling planting commenced in the summer of 2022 and has recently completed. The planting will help towards meeting the twin challenges of the climate and biodiversity crisis and establishes an innovative…
… electronic training system LEON has a progressed version with assessment that is nearing completion. D – HEEPS Warmer Homes – NOW ENERGY EFFICIENT SCOTLAND: AREA BASED SCHEME (EES:ABS) 5.10 The Council was awarded a grant by the Scottish Government of £2,011,323 under their Energy Efficient Scotland: Area Based Scheme (EES:ABS) in July 2022 to facilitate a programme of retrofitting…
… KCC Net Zero plan KCC Net Zero Action Plan Target completion Policy Actions Develop, test, and implement an Environment & Climate Change Impacts Assessment March 2022 Embed net-zero targets within appropriate procurement contracts As contracts renew Develop net-zero design checklist for new build and significant…
… redevelopment schemes March 2022 Develop minimum design standards for KCC new build projects and additional funding mechanisms that make this achievable (corporate estate and schools) March 2022 Transport Actions Reduce Business miles travelled by 33% by 2030 2030 80% of Business miles to be via electric vehicle by 2030 - scope out opportunity for electric only lease car scheme…
… 2030 Lease car scheme assessed by March 2022 100% of fleet miles to be via electric vehicle by 2030 - cross Directorate procurement approach (adoption of some HE funded electric vans from Oct 2022) 2030 Phased plan as leases expire or owned vehicles reach end of useful life Improve Active Travel Facilities at appropriate KCC locations (Minimum standard to be agreed) Minimum…
… Standard agreed by March 2022 Phased plan aligned with future KCC estate strategy Transport Actions Install EV charge points at appropriate KCC locations (For staff/visitors) Phased plan aligned with future KCC estate strategy Provide alternative travel options at appropriate KCC locations eg car clubs, bike hire etc Phased plan aligned with future KCC estate strategy Review…
… opportunities to expand KCC Staff Rewards programme to incentivise net-zero actions/behaviours March 2022 Energy Efficiency Actions Roll out LED lighting in KCC buildings where practicable By 2030 Phased plan aligned with future KCC estate strategy Solar PV electricity generation Actions Enable 75MW of solar parks to help meet KCC’s energy needs By 2030 Deliver 32MW by 2024 Install solar…
… through Pendle. Ensure all development plans commit to carbon offsetting measures to reduce the overall impact to zero. John Halton Mar 2022 Reference made as appropriate in first draft of the Local Plan (Part 2), which is due to be considered by P&R on 26 November Actions we will take in partnership 1.4 Support and enable a green transport infrastructure Develop new cycle…
… or feasible Provide information and materials to educate and engage businesses with low carbon sources of heating Hassan Ditta Mar 2022 Ensure the Council’s own estate’s energy efficiency is maximised through improved energy management Bruce Corden Mar 2021 Achieved carbon reduction in 2019/20 for our building stock Ensure low cost technologies such as LED lighting are rolled out…
… across the council estate, including parks and open spaces, as well as included in new developments, to reduce energy use Bruce Corden Mar 2021 Support private landlords to improve eco-standards and reduce domestic emissions Paul Lloyd Mar 2021 CHiL programme operating in Pendle Develop and implement a Pendle Home Energy programme via CHiL Paul Lloyd Mar 2022 Climate Emergency…
… capital funding allocated for home energy programme Review effectiveness of existing Policy ENV3 Renewable & Low Carbon Generation and Policy ENV20 in the Part 2 Local Plan (LP) to support delivery of renewable technologies on new developments (Policy ENV20 in the Part 2 Local Plan (LP2) will supplement and update Policy ENV3). John Halton Mar 2022 Local Plan (Part 2), including new…
… Policy ENV27 Towards Zero Net Carbon (note change of reference number), is due to be 7 considered by P&R on 26 November 2020. Showcase PEARL Together Housing Scheme on Harrison Drive as good practice for future housing developments Julie Whittaker Mar 2022 Scheme due to start on site in November. Subject to securing European funding, a range of renewable energy…
… Climate Action for Chorley's Future Climate Change Strategy 2022-2024 chorley.gov.uk/climatechange Our goal as a Council is for the Borough to be net zero by 2030 2 Climate Change Strategy / 2022 - 2024 Foreword As the Portfolio Holder for Climate Change, I am pleased to present this Climate Change Strategy on behalf…
… by 2030. This strategy sets out Chorley Council’s vision for the future as a net zero carbon Borough and our priorities and programme for action during the period January 2022 to December 2024 to achieve that goal. We must all act now to ensure we are able to cope with and recover from the physical risks that are happening as a result of changes in the climate. These include floods, droughts…
… a notable shift in public concern over the environment, accelerated by the COP26 hosted by Glasgow in October 2021. 4 Climate Change Strategy / 2022 - 2024 The establishment of impartial committees such as the United Nations (UN) Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and the UK’s Committee on Climate Change (CCC) play a key role in publishing data on Climate Change…
…, introduces new legally binding targets, many of which will come through secondary legislation to follow in due course. The Act is expected to be enforced through within the next 2-5 years. Our Climate Change Strategy fully takes account of the emerging national policy and legal context. Timescales This Chorley Climate Change Strategy covers the period 2022-2024. It is accompanied by an action…
… and biodiversity. 6 Climate Change Strategy / 2022 - 2024 Priority Three: Develop robust planning policies to deliver adaption and mitigation The future of our built environment is shaped by our Planning Policies, from the location of future growth to the design, materials and impact assessments and more than ever, these policies will enable us to future proof development creating spaces which…
… Microsoft Word - City of Lincoln Council Environmental System Report 2023.docx Report Author Kate Bell Latest update 26/08/2023 Environmental Management System Report 2022/23 Introduction: Background The City of Lincoln Council has a strong track record when it comes…
… as community leader to coordinate climate action across the city. The Council set up the Low Carbon Lincoln partnership in 2012, worked with our partners to develop the Low Carbon Lincoln Action Plan. The group was relaunched in 2019 as the Lincoln Climate Commission with representatives from the public, private and community sectors. In September 2022 the Lincoln Climate Commission approved the Lincoln…
…. The motion includes a commitment for Lincoln to achieve a net zero carbon target by 2030. In August 2020 the Council’s Environmental Management System was externally audited by Investors in the Environment (iiE) and awarded the Silver level accreditation with a score of 74%. In 2021 the Council’s EMS was awarded the highest level Green accreditation which was maintained in 2022. During 2022/23…
… by the Lincoln Climate Commission on the 5th of September 2022 and published on the commission and City of Lincoln Council websites. During 2023 the commission have been focusing on delivering net zero projects outlined in the Journey to Net Zero Action Plan and extensive community consultation as part of its commitment to establish a citizen’s assembly. Weblinks:- Lincoln Climate Commission…
… and dispose of products from suppliers. 6 Grey fleet covers vehicles that are not owned or managed by the council such as employees own cars when used for business purposes. 51% 34% 15% 1. Direct emissions 2. Indirect emissions 3.Third party emissions Pie chart showing the council’s scope 1,2 and 3 emissions for 2022/23 scenarios. Since our first baseline year was set in 2008/9 CO2e…
… Buckinghamshire Council Climate Change & Air Quality Strategy 2021-2022 Progress Report PB 1 Buckinghamshire Council Climate Change & Air Quality Strategy 2021-2022 Progress Report 2 Contents Foreword 3 Introduction 4 Progress against targets 5 Activity against actions • Governance and Management 17…
… number of trees with schools and community groups and we are now starting to buy renewable energy. I look forward to another year of successes, where we can share the benefits of securing a sustainable future. Councillor Gareth Williams Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Environment Introduction 4 The UK experienced its hottest summer on record in 2022 - on 19 July 40.3°C…
… was recorded at Coningsby and temperatures recorded at 46 weather stations across the UK exceeded the previous record of 38.7°C. July 2022 has been the driest July in England since 1935 (and the driest on record for south-east England, according to provisional figures released by the Met Office) and every month up to September this year (apart from February) has seen below average rainfall…
… from 1990. People and organisations’ activities continued to be affected by the COVID pandemic in 2022, with Plan B measures being in place between 10 December 2021 and 26 January 2022 (inclusive). Emissions have been positively impacted by the changes – most notably the shift to home working has helped reduce transport emissions. The Council has continued to support this shift through…
…://www.metoffice.gov.uk/about-us/press-office/news/weather-and-climate/2022/record-high-temperatures-verified#:~:text=The%20UK's%20new%20record%2Dhigh,of%20analysis%20and%20quality%20control https://www.metoffice.gov.uk/about-us/press-office/news/weather-and-climate/2022/driest-july-in-england-since-1935 https://www.metoffice.gov.uk/about-us/press-office/news/weather-and-climate/2022…
… Item 09 Climate Change Strategy and Net Zero Targets CLACKMANNANSHIRE COUNCIL Report to Council Date of Meeting: 11 August 2022 Subject: Climate Change Strategy and Net Zero Targets Report by: Strategic Director (Place) 1.0 Purpose 1.1. On Thursday 19th August 2021, Clackmannanshire Council unanimously passed…
… (Duties of Public Bodies: Reporting Requirements) (Scotland) Amendment Order 2020 requires that from November 2022 Public Bodies’ Climate Change Duties (PBCCD) reports, including Clackmannanshire Council’s, include: a target date for achieving zero direct emissions of greenhouse gases; targets for reducing indirect emissions of greenhouse gases; how the body will align its spending plans…
… greenhouse gas emissions by 2045. 3.6 The Council’s General Services Revenue and Capital Budget 2022/23 set out an increased focus on green investment to support the Council’s journey to net zero and noted that the updated Climate Change Strategy will include a framework to ensure that all strategic decisions, budgets and approaches to planning decisions are in line with a shift to net zero…
…; staff vehicles and the procurement of goods and services. Conversely, afforestation and land management present means of increasing the carbon storage potential of nature, entrenching climate resilience and reducing net emissions. 1 See Briefing Paper: New PBCCD Reporting Guidance for 2022 December 2021 for further information https…
… 3.11 Clackmannanshire Council has completed annual reports for the PBCCD from the financial year of 2013/14 to 2020/21. The next iteration will cover the financial year of 2021/22 and is due to be submitted on 30 November 2022. 3.12 While the overall emissions do not yet include some significant areas of the Council’s carbon footprint such as waste, they have shown a year-on-year reduction…
… Halton Borough Council Climate Change Action Plan 2022 - 2027 1 Contents Page A Greener Future for Halton Page 2 Halton’s Commitment to Carbon Reduction Page 4 Halton’s Priorities and Themes Page 6 Measuring the Council’s Greenhouse Gas Emissions Page 7 Impacts of Climate Change Page 8 What We’ve Done to Date Page 9 Future Key…
… is essential to reduce global warming and achieve longer-term carbon removal. For example, trees can remove carbon from the atmosphere, but they take time to grow, so an early start on this forms one of the Council’s 2022 initiatives – The Big Halton Forest. The above four core areas of climate action have been applied to Council activities listed under ‘Key Actions’. A number of the actions specifically…
… the Portfolio Holder for Climate Change, chaired by the Strategic Director. Further work is to be undertaken from 2022, to refine the costing of the Plan’s actions, register the data underpinning the Plan online, develop further information on Bio Diversity, and further explore other issues such as nature-based solutions for climate change mitigation and adaptation and options for refurbishment of empty…
…, and electrification of heat and hot water via installation of ASHP’s. Completion by Spring 2022. Divisional Manager Property B2 Commission decarbonisation feasibility studies to all buildings in phases and subject to funding to develop a decarbonisation work programme required. Initial 6 studies to be completed by Spring 2022. All feasibility studies completed by 31.3.27. Divisional Manager Property…
… carbon emission vehicles at all Council sites that operate fleet vehicles / plant & machinery. December 2023. Divisional Manager Transport F2 Continue the rollout of EV charging infrastructure. 2022/2026. Divisional Manager Transport F3 In line with the current vehicle replacement cycle, phase out combustion engine fleet assets. 2022/2035 Subject to alternatively fuelled asset…
… and managing our emissions. Organisational Emissions Reduce, and effectively manage organisational emissions. 1 Mar 2021 (first iteration) Switch the Council’s supply to a ‘green’ tariff that guarantees energy from renewable sources Organisational Emissions Reduce organisational emissions. 1 Mar 2022 Undertake a zero-carbon pathway and feasibility assessment for the Council Offices…
… Organisational Emissions Reduce organisational emissions. 1 Mar 2021 Undertake a zero-carbon pathway and feasibility assessment for the Warren Lane Depot Organisational Emissions Reduce organisational emissions. 1 Mar 2022 Undertake a zero-carbon pathway and feasibility assessment for the Council’s housing stock Organisational Emissions Reduce organisational emissions. 1 Mar 2022…
… 1 Year 1 = date of plan approval to end March 2022, Year 2 = April 2022 – March 2023, Year 3 = April 2023 – March 2024 etc. Page 5 of 9 Initial Action Strategic Priority Change Outcome Action Priority Completed by Develop a business case for all Council vehicles to be powered by electric or other low carbon alternatives Organisational Emissions Reduce organisational emissions…
… - Enable a greater number of projects to take place over a shorter timescale. - Support behaviour change. 2 Mar 2022 Scope Council staff to use active travel or low- carbon transport to commute to work Organisational Emissions - Reduce organisational emissions. - Support behaviour change. 3 Mar 2022 Arrange staff and councillor climate change training Organisational Emissions…
…. Mitigation Mar 2022 Category 2: How the Council can influence and encourage residents and businesses to reduce their emissions Actions Strategic Priority Change Outcome Action Priority Completed by Scope feasibility of installing Electric Vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure in the District Transport & Air Quality - Reduce carbon emissions in District. - Improve District's air…
…. March 2022 June 2021 2 THEME TARGET TIMESCALE Sustainable Development Continue to pursue planning policies in the council’s emerging Local Plan that will facilitate the delivery of sustainable development through location, orientation, and design, and through the integration of measures such as Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS), charging points…
… possible. Phase 2 will be dependent on the outcome of the procurement exercise being progressed on a partnership basis with KCC. Phase 1 – Dec 2021 Phase 2 – March 2022 Air Quality Review Air Quality and put measures in place to reduce emissions. Continue to full implementation of a borough wide Anti Idling Campaign, to reduce emissions from idling engines…
… 2022 June 2021 5 THEME TARGET TIMESCALE Category 1 Excess Cold hazard present. Where necessary action will be taken to improve the energy efficiency and help reduce carbon emissions. Support our residents by signposting to information on energy efficiency and renewable energy measures and funding schemes so they can make informed…
… these households to take action to reduce carbon emissions. Support any new provision of temporary accommodation within the borough with feasibility studies to advise on potential for improved energy efficiency and any renewable potential. April 2021 – March 2022 April 2021 – March 2022 Waste Minimisation and Recycling Encourage more people to reduce their waste and make…
… retail outlets. Work with KCC to promote and support the Lower Carbon Across the South East initiative. Ongoing July 2021 March 2022 March 2022 Ongoing June 2021 7 THEME TARGET TIMESCALE Community and Business Engagement Raise awareness of climate change, providing regular updates and information. Launch new…
… to reduce MVDC’s carbon footprint by March 2022, to be achieved through the following measures: Implementing energy efficiency measures, solar panels and air source heat pumps at Pippbrook and Dorking Halls Installing solar panels and car ports Reducing waste and increasing recycling and reuse from Pippbrook and Dorking Halls Working with our existing contractors…
… to reduce their carbon footprint and ensuring new contracts focus on sustainability. Leased Buildings, 1767 1707 Operational Emissions, 1030 724 Procured Goods/ Services, 1365 1115 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 2023/24 2024/25 2025/26 2026/27 2027/28 2028/29 2029/30 Pathway to zero carbon Baseline 8 | P a g e…
… / target Cost Carbon Impact Own operations (O) or District wide (D) Timescale Meadowbank Dorking Sports Centre Leatherhead Leisure Centre Develop a business case for all Council vehicles to be powered by electric or renewable fuel sources. Business case developed. Target: 7 out of 19 vehicles replaced by March 2022 Existing Enabling O (Scope 1) 2021/22…
… Work with existing Contractors and tenants to put in place measures to reduce carbon footprint. Target: reduction of 250 tCO2e emissions by March 2022 Existing Enabling O (Scope 3) March 2022 Work with our grounds maintenance service provider to eliminate the use of glyphosate in MVDC parks and open Glyphosate use ceased. Low Low O (Scope 3) January 2022 10 | P a g e…
… community tree planting initiatives and leading by example by planting on MVDC’s own land. Suitable MVDC owned sites and number of trees to be planted to be identified. Existing Offsetting O/D March 2022 Continue to monitor MVDC land for biodiversity. Annual survey Existing Mitigation O March 2022 and ongoing Funding Investigate feasibility of implementing a Mole Valley community…
… Plan to deliver zero carbon development: Adopt tiered carbon off-set price via SPD Officer appointed, then new target-66946849-4s to follow Policy agreed Autumn 2022 All Produce Carbon SPD and scope/evaluate options for Local Plan review Qualitative description of progress SPD produced, aligned to Carbon Neutral Plan. Scoping activity complete, for new Local Plan to address…
… 'carbon neutral agenda' Autumn 2022 All Increase planning officer understanding to negotiate higher standards Identify and deliver training sessions Training to be undertaken by appointed officer Autumn 2022 All Manage the planning dimensions of District Heat Network Development Qualitative description of progress Integrated planning considerations arising from heat network feasibility report…
… into planning documentation for relevant districts. Spring 2022 Streetlighting Replace 19,000 inefficient streetlights with LED lighting Number of streetlights replaced 19,000 streetlights replaced Summer 2024 Transport Relevant transport modes/ sectors Action…
… Measure of progress Target Target date Car parking Develop Kerbside and Parking Strategy and establish Controlled Parking Zones. Finalisation of strategy Adoption of Kerbside and Parking Strategy and development of action plan Winter 2022 Car parking Re-prioritise kerbside space, to create more space for public transport, walking and cycling. To be defined…
… through Kerbside and Parking Strategy To be defined through Kerbside and Parking Strategy Winter 2022 Car parking Explore potential for establishing system of emissions-based parking charges Development and adopt banded parking and permit charges (depending on vehicle emissions*), for new and reviewed CPZs, and Council car parks. Percentage of controlled parking spaces with banded charges…
… Commission will be held at 10:00 on Thursday, 13 October 2022 in Room 77. The Agenda for the meeting is attached and reports are enclosed where relevant. Please Note: It is likely that the public, (including the Press) will be excluded from the meeting during discussions of exempt items since they involve the possible disclosure of exempt information as describe in Schedule 12A of the Local…
… Government Act 1972. Yours faithfully, Scrutiny Officer for the Chief Executive Please ask for: Antony Spouse Telephone: 01482 613712 Fax: 01482 614804 Email: Antony.Spouse@hullcc.gov.uk Text phone: 01482 300349 Date: Wednesday, 05 October 2022 Page 1 of 112 Economy and Environment OSC To: Membership: Councillors Burton (DC), Furley (C), Gardiner, Harper-Riches…
…: Environment Councillor Ieronimo, Portfolio: Transportation, Roads, Highways and Flood Prevention Councillor Pritchard, Portfolio: Communities, Crime Prevention and Culture Councillor Drake-Davis, Portfolio: Regeneration For Information: Reference Library (Public Set) Page 2 of 112 Economy and Environment Overview and Scrutiny Commission 10:00 on Thursday, 13 October 2022…
… - Part D1 of the Constitution) 3 Minutes of the Meeting Held 22 September 2022 To approve the minutes as a true record. 5 - 20 NON-EXEMPT ITEMS 4 Commission Resolution List To update the Commission on any questions or actions raised at previous meetings. 21 - 22 5 Portfolio Holder Update - Leader of the Council To enable the Portfolio holder to update…
… Consultation To undertake pre-decision scrutiny prior to the report being presented at Cabinet. 31 - 62 8 Amendment to Street Trading Policy To consider a report detailing an amendment to the Street Trading Policy and fees prior to it being taken to Cabinet. 63 - 102 9 Commission Work Programme 2022/23 To consider and approve the draft Work Programme for 2022/23. 103 - 112…
… conducted Results publicised Existing 2020/21 figure of Scope 1 and Scop2 emissions is 1,469.88 tonnes of CO2 (was 1,712.52 in 2019/20). 2021/22 figure calculated (1,509.13 tonnes of CO2). Still within trajectory to reach Net Zero by 2050. 3 Emissions report published on Council website. 2022/23 calculations to be completed by December 2023. 1.3 Secure…
…. 9 2.2 Increase proportion of Council fleet journeys, including pool cars, made in electric or hydrogen powered vehicles. Treasury Insurance Risk Manager Director of Environmental Services a) Financially viable timetable for replacement of vehicles in place by January 2022 b) Annual reduction in use of fossil fuels by Council fleet c) Electric charging points…
… compared to 2022/23. BEST use trackers on fleet vehicles to ensure correct routes taken so no excess mileage, and use dashcams, so supervisors do not need to travel out to site. b) There are no plans to change the fleet used by BEST in advance of depot relocation due to the cost of the infrastructure (EV charging and sub station). a) Pool car fleet now comprises of 3…
… on paper in 2022/23 was £15,018; however the price of paper has increased from £11.30 per box in 2021/22 to £19.56 per box. Number of boxes of paper used reduced from 873 to 768. 11 online to save paper. Concerto software to be introduced for leisure centres in latter half of 2023/24. 3.2 Purchase locally produced goods where possible and in compliance…
… of Environmental Services Evidence of planting on Council land near areas of poor air quality, e.g. parts of Waltham Cross. A budget for tree planting has been established. Since 2020 4,475 trees have been planted. During the Winter of 2022/23 a further 2,048 trees will be planted, meaning that 6,525 trees will have been planted by the end of 2022/23. A further 5,000 additional…
… Carbon Management plan 2022 Carbon Management plan 2022 A plan to be carbon neutral by 2030 Content Foreword 3 Introduction 4 Why Carbon Neutral 5 North Northamptonshire Council’s Carbon Emissions 6 Our Approach 9 Buildings 10 Non-Domestic Energy Performance Certificates 11 Evaluating Buildings 12 Ways to Save Energy 13…
… Other considerations 15 Leisure Decarbonisation 17 Highways 18 Waste and Recycling 19 Fleet 20 Travel 22 Procurement and Supply Chains 23 Behaviour 24 Carbon Sequestration & Biodiversity 25 Carbon Offsetting 27 Implementing the Plan 29 A plan to be carbon neutral by 2030Carbon Management Plan 2022 2 In July 2021, and at the earliest opportunity for doing so, a Climate…
… taken so far are welcome and it will be important to work closely with our communities as we make further progress over the coming years. A plan to be carbon neutral by 2030 Carbon Management Plan 2022 3 At North Northamptonshire Council, we take our responsibility of reducing emissions in the local area seriously, and we take care to ensure our impact on the environment is as little…
… within in order to identify the priority areas and means by which it will achieve the target of being Carbon Neutral by 2030. Introduction A plan to be carbon neutral by 2030Carbon Management Plan 2022 4 Carbon neutrality, as a term, is used frequently, but do you know what it means? Carbon neutrality refers to the practice of reducing the greenhouse gas emissions that are responsible…
… opportunities in our estate and local infrastructure, and reduced cost from renewable energy sources. Carbon offsetting initiatives also ensure we have naturally beautiful spaces within North Northamptonshire for years to come. Why Carbon Neutral A plan to be carbon neutral by 2030 Carbon Management Plan 2022 5 The Green House Gas (GHG) Protocol is an internationally accepted and standardised…
… a baseline, a detailed carbon audit was carried out in 2021. This analysis is outlined in the council’s Carbon Neutral Strategy (2022-30) which was adopted in October 2021. The monitoring of emissions will be essential in tracking the council’s journey to carbon neutrality – therefore a detailed emission audit will be carried out each financial year. The carbon audit provided a baseline to measure future…
… carbon reductions and savings. This Climate Action and Biodiversity Work Plan has been produced to sit alongside the Carbon Neutral Strategy. It provides a schedule of all the projects and plans which must be undertaken in the coming months and years to reduce the emissions generated by the council in order to achieve the 2030 target. This work plan is also aligned to the Council Vision 2022-2026…
…. Fig 1. Graphic to showcase which emission sources have been included within the council’s carbon footprint. Arun District Council 2021-2022 emissions The council has finalised the carbon emissions for all scopes for the 2021-2022 financial year and included them within the table below. This also showcases the tonnes of CO2e percentage change seen within Scopes 1, 2, 3 and the total emissions…
… the council produces. All Scopes have seen a reduction and therefore the council has reduced its total emissions by 2.21%, falling from 27,774 tCO2e in the baseline year to 27,162 tCO2e in 2021-2022. For a full set of raw data please refer to Appendix C at the end of this report. Arun District Council 2021-2022 emissions Scope…
…, with only a 3.5% year-on-year reduction included to show the impact of the predicted decarbonation. As can be seen from the emission levels a significant amount of additional work is required for the council to reach its 2030 target. If results continue to follow the 2021-2022 trend the council will not achieve the 2030 carbon neutral target, therefore more radical measures will be needed to be put…
… virtual meetings will be part of the council’s ways of working moving forward. Review of key policies related to SWOW is currently underway and expected to conclude in 2022. 1.4 Support for existing Low Carbon Energy Group, made up of local experts, to challenge and support the council and the wider Enabler Low Ongoing Number of meetings held New chair appointed mid- 2020. 6…
… Medium Medium Q1-Q2 2022 Actions included in next Action Plan New role being recruited to focus on this aspect – expected in post by end 2021 / early 2022. As such, this area will be developed in earnest from 2022 onwards. 1.8 Convene summit for local businesses to understand issues and support development of their own actions Neutral Low TBC Summit held. No of businesses…
… during refurbishment. Will be included as part action 2.5 below. 2.5 Undertake audit of other council operational buildings to determine options to reduce energy consumption Enabler TBC 2022 Audits undertaken Audits/review of council operation property planned for during 2022, based on priority order determined. This will set out a desired programme of works moving forward. 2.7…
…. This has been extended to run until 30 March 2022 and provides grant funding to low income households living in the least efficient properties. So far 17 installations have been completed, with 6 more pending installation and 15 on waitlist. Estimated savings from measures installed to date are up to 17 tCO2 per year. This specifically targets low income households in the least…
… efficient properties so also works to tackle fuel poverty within the borough. 2.15 To support consortia bid for ‘Sustainable Warmth’, the latest round of Green Homes Grant funding. If successful, to promote within the borough and maximise reach among our residents Medium Low Q1 2022 – Q1 2023 No. of installations within the borough New action for 21/22. If successful, scheme…
… Governance and Management Monitoring and Reporting Council's Emissions 7. Improve data management and quality to better inform options for reducing emissions and performance monitoring. Short Direct Control Automatic Meter Reading meter rollout Ongoing Installed on 75% and 80% of the Council’s gas and electricity supplies respectively. Aug 2022 Governance…
…/21 Contractor selected8. Woodland creation at Billet Field completed (3450 trees) March 2022 ~411 tCO2e by 2122 LATF funded community tree planting in Spade Oak Meadow9 and next to the public highway 08/01//22 586 trees planted March 2022 Trees offered to schools and care homes as 168 trees planted on Council owned sites March 2022 7 Woodland Creation Design…
… https://www.facebook.com/events/994278691152668/ Main Document Reference Action Time- frame Sphere of Influence Activity Activity Date Outcome Outcome Date Emission Savings Chapter Section Sub-section part of the Queen’s Green Canopy Tree planting by Chiltern Rangers on Council sites 1656 trees planted March 2022 The Council’s Emissions to Air 14…
… Emission Savings Chapter Section Sub-section in July (Together Now email) Carbon Literacy Training12 delivered to 13 individuals 29th – 30th June 2022 (Individuals’ carbon footprint reduced by 5-15%) The Council’s Emissions to Air The Council’s Operational Estate Buildings 17. Identify and implement renewable energy and energy efficiency measures…
… Document Reference Action Time- frame Sphere of Influence Activity Activity Date Outcome Outcome Date Emission Savings Chapter Section Sub-section Carbon Skills Fund (LCSF) for HDPs/detailed design plans for 7 sites LCSF not being able to accommodate all bids Transition to cloud-based servers project 2021 – 2022 260 on-site computer services replaced…
… Investigate the impact of reduced cutting frequencies, including a business case for cut‐and‐collect mowing machinery. Parks 2022/23 3.2 Decarbonise the Council estate through energy efficiency measures and utilising green energy. The Council currently operates 14 properties that are heated…
… for rooftop solar PV. Asset Management 2022/23 3.2.7 Explore the potential for a solar farm on large Council sites. Asset Management; Estates and Strategic Land 2022/23 3.2.8 Explore the efficacy of water efficiency and water harvesting technologies for office restrooms and public conveniences. Asset Management 2021/22…
… Ref Action Department Timescale 3.3.1 Continue to promote virtual meetings with external partners in place of travelling to meeting sites. All Ongoing 3.3.2 Explore the potential of procuring EV pool cars for business travel. Transport 2022/23 3.3.3 Promote public transport as the first option for business travel. All Ongoing 3.3.4 Ensure minimising commuting and business…
…; Parking 2022/23 3.3.7 Explore the demand and potential for cycle storage at Council offices. Asset Management 2022/23 3.3.8 Explore the potential for e‐bikes to be included in the renewal of the cycle‐to‐work scheme. Human Resources 2021/22 3.3.9 Develop an understanding of the possibilities of carpool schemes as new ways of working are established. Human Resources 2022/23…
… the possibility of introducing sustainability key performance indicators for service managers. Performance and Governance 2021/22 3.5.5 Seek agreement as to the future role of offsetting in reducing Council emissions. All 2022/23 3.5.6 Develop a Climate Change Impact Assessment tool for use in the Council’s decision making process. Performance and Governance 2021/22…