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Search results for ""green homes grant""

Including 10 related terms such as housing, government grant, and new homes.

848 results

Arun District Council

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… Battery storage will not deliver direct emissions reductions however will help to improve the efficiency of other systems, such as PV, and will also allow for an increase in on-site renewable electricity usage Officer time to investigate opportunities for battery installation. The cost will be factored in over time, taking advantage of grant funding. 4 Review options to reduce water…

… Flag Award winning parks and a number of other key- indicator sites have also been surveyed by an ecologist to help inform future maintenance and management plans. This will continue in future years to access how our plantings have impacted biodiversity. The council continues to be involved with the Sussex Local Nature Partnership to ensure a joined-up approach is delivered across all of Sussex…

… 28 Support the local economy and local businesses The council has completed its work to produce a street trading policy which has restricted the selling or provision of single use plastic bottles, corrosive products and plastic bags which are not compostable. There is also specific consideration around the impacts of the proposed operation onto the local environment and includes consideration…

… Your environment Climate change Climate action and biodiversity work plan 2023 to 2024 Climate action and biodiversity work plan 2023 to 2024 Introduction The council declared a climate emergency in January 2020 and stated its aim to be carbon neutral by 2030, twenty years ahead of the current UK government target. To analyse the council’s carbon emission and to set…

…. This was due to these emissions not being within the direct control of the council. It should be noted that improving the fabric of council housing stock and the efficiency of heating and lighting systems are included in this Climate Action and Biodiversity Work Plan. Select for a larger image…

East Cambridgeshire District Council

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… really pleased to hear that, working with the local environment group ‘East Cambs CAN’, we are soon to launch a new independent website which will contain lots of valuable information and signposting to advice, nature activities and events anyone can join. The website is independent of East Cambridgeshire District Council, but we are to grant fund it in order to make a local environment group…

…, domestic homes, transport, agriculture, waste and land use. However, there is no simple 100% accurate way of calculating a carbon footprint, as it relies on a number of assumptions. The Government Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) annually publishes detailed local authority level CO2 emissions data. Unfortunately, this does not provide data on the other recognised…

… emissions that occur as a result of the Council’s own operations. We have calculated the carbon footprint of the Council’s own operations in line with the UK Government’s Environmental Reporting Guidelines for Voluntary Greenhouse Gas Reporting10. The first Plan, of June 2020, reported the baseline upon which future years progress will be monitored. That baseline carbon footprint (using data…

… quality parks and open spaces, watching wildlife in their natural habitats and taking great pleasure from a new area sown with wildflower seeds. And if these are all local, we travel less and spend less money getting there, for the benefit of the environment and our pockets. At the same time, as the cost of living rises are causing everyone real difficulties, especially the eye- watering rise…

… will continue to affect future generations. All Governments (national, regional and local) have a duty to limit the negative impacts of environmental change by cutting carbon emissions, protecting 1 United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs…

South Gloucestershire Council

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… with enhanced sustainability features including solar panels, air source heat pumps and improved fabric design. Private sector housing standards Private sector housing team will use available data sets to target action against the least energy efficient properties in the Private Rented Sector utilising the powers under The Energy Efficiency (Private Rented Property) (England and Wales…

… for funding pots. 2. Record the energy measures implemented in new build and existing building refurbishment/maintenance projects. 3. The updated Heat Decarbonisation Plan will show the latest intervention measures with costs. 4. Record submitted grant applications. Public sector carbon reduction/ energy saving grant schemes are very popular and receive far more applications than…

available funding. 5. Using the Heat Decarbonisation Plan and Condition Survey Data identify priority projects, particularly schemes which meet grant funding schemes criteria. Achievable The only committed funding is the Climate Emergency green schools. Funding is needed to update the Heat Decarbonisation Plan. Public sector carbon reduction/ energy saving grant schemes

…. Step Up South Glos May 2024 – April 2025 • To deliver 3 x 1.5-hour Greening Your Home sessions – these sessions will include promotion of Lendology and other energy efficiency initiatives that the Warm and Well umbrella encompasses • To promote the summer film on keeping your house cool through social media • To revisit feedback forms from households visited • To run Green Home

…. Building has been designed to Department for Education output specification 2023 and will be net zero in operation. Lyde Green New Primary and Secondary School - on site now, completion July 2026. Building has been designed to Passivhaus standard Classic and will be the largest and most complex Passivhaus school building in the UK. The Castle School - completed in July 2024, designed…

Wiltshire Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

…) will continue to deliver new builds to net zero carbon in operation, on council-led schemes. Council house acquisitions aim for new builds to have a minimum EPC rating of C, and for non new builds the aim is for minimum EPC E and be capable of improving. All commercial lettings are now subject to Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards (MEES) regulations and works are undertaken prior to letting…

Travel – What’s next for 2025 • Continue developing LCWIPs for all of our towns and produce a pipeline of active travel schemes that will be delivered when funding becomes available. • A new grant has been awarded to the council by Active Travel England for cycling and walking infrastructure. • Bikeability, WalkSafe and Scootability will continue, with a £229,573 grant for 2024/25…

councils and companies are using. The new Depot Plan aims to house vehicles in the area of work demand and support the transition to electric and other alternative fuels. Fleet decarbonisation – What’s next for 2025 • An additional 70 charge points will be installed across council sites, to enable further decarbonisation of fleet. • 50 further vehicles will follow once the charge points have…

…) chargepoints to promote the transition from fossil fuel to EVs. T2. Active Travel Increase options for active travel across Wiltshire. T3. Sustainable Travel Improve sustainable transport in Wiltshire. Homes and the Built Environment B1. Domestic Retrofit Develop and implement a comprehensive Retrofit Strategy that is available to all housing centred on enabling more homeowners to take up energy…

… for achieving carbon neutrality on electricity use, in addition to the green tariff, such as entering into a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) directly with a renewable energy generator. That may be a Community Energy generator or via a commercial scheme. The council will also use the Environmental Mitigation Framework, to review council sites for potential renewables projects and carbon offsetting through…

London Borough of Brent

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… to continue to build this sector and support this economic model of operation as a key mechanism for tackling the climate and ecological emergency. ‘Green’ jobs are ultimately considered to be the jobs of the future. The council will support the growth of the circular economy, working with both local and West London partners on creating pathways into green jobs in the local area. We will also work

… issues comprehensively Tackling the climate and ecological emergency requires action across a number of different and complex environmental issues, ranging from: carbon reduction; water conservation, cleaner air, healthy and active travel, biodiversity loss, greener spaces, adapting to global heating, warm homes, reducing waste and growing the green and circular economy. The challenge…

… as possible will be more energy efficient, be powered by renewable sources and be resilient to future adverse weather events caused by climate change – and we will do all in our gift to achieve an average rating of Energy Performance Certificate B in directly owned council stock. The Issue: The energy used to power and heat Brent’s homes and non-domestic buildings represents a combined total 78…

… weather in the future. When considering the scale and different types of homes and buildings across in the borough, this will require significant levels of central funding being made available to local areas, communities and residents by central government. The built environment and public realm generally, whether it is considering streetlights, pavements, highways etc, should also consider…

…… • Apply for Green Homes Grant • Register for a free telephone consultation and impartial energy advice using the Green Doctor advice service • Consider your home insulation options • Find out more about the warmer homes scheme • Find out more about the Energy Companies obligation here • Find your property on the London Building Stock Model • Wear warm clothes at home to use less…

King's Lynn and West Norfolk Borough Council

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… on Lynnsport land, applying for the appropriate grant. Open Space / Planning 2020 - 2022 £72k 28. Use our pilot tree planting programme as a worked example for local landowners. Open Space / Planning 2022 onwards n/a 9 Link to action number 14. 10 Average cost per panel. There are multiple funding models available for consideration, including leasing, power purchase agreements or capital…

… emissions. However, in addition to energy efficiency improvements we must look at changing our Strategy approval date: _/_/2021 Page 14 of 37 v.01 Review date: __ 2024 heating sources from gas to more renewable alternatives. In late 2020, work started on a Re:fit phase 2, in which we obtained £3.8million in grant funding from the BEIS Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme. This allows…

…. Additionally, we are developing a pilot tree planting project, seeking to option grant funding for the planting of trees in the 2021/2022 planting season. We may also need to consider alternative options such as carbon credits or similar schemes to deal with residual emissions. 6.9. Other: Procurement This council is committed to sustainable practices in all areas of our work. This includes…

… to install ASHPs and GSHPs in council sites. Property Services / Alive West Norfolk 2021 £3.8m 1 2. Re:fit Part 2 Public Sector Decarbonisation Grant to improve the energy efficiency of council estates with high energy consumption. Property Services / Alive West Norfolk 2021 £3.8m 2 3. Establish a building retrofit programme, through a high level review of our buildings, to create grant

… change. 4. We have promoted ways to reduce our residents carbon footprints through our website. 5. We have amended and expanded our website content to allow for transparency and to publish recent updates and documents. 6. We encouraged and promoted the Government Green Homes Grant voucher scheme. 7. We have participated in King’s Lynn Climate Concern workshops. 6. Strategy Phase 1…

London Borough of Wandsworth

Direct link to progress report (PDF)

… of the borough’s carbon emissions come from domestic energy use, meaning that supporting residents to take action to reduce energy use and move away from fossil fuels to heat and power their home is a key area to tackle. Funding from central government for Green Homes Grant has enabled work to place improving those properties that have poor energy efficiency and household incomes of under £30k. Phase 1b…

… as this will mean the Council will need to underwrite the grant funding. Officers are currently reviewing whether any other funding can be utilised to deliver the projects but there is a real risk that these schemes will not be able to progress as part of this phase. 14. A sustainable travel plan has been created which outlines the route to electrification of the operational Facilities Management fleet…

… to support sustainable travel, a Citizens’ Assembly on Air Quality to inform a new Air Quality Action Plan, more work to improve the energy efficiency of social housing stock, an expanded food waste trial with waste minimisation campaign, and projects to promote and protect biodiversity. To achieve this the Council will take a leadership role by stepping up on working across the borough…

… in St Mary’s Primary school. The School Superzone programme will provide an opportunity to link other existing initiatives such as the Air Quality Schools Audit, Healthy Schools, Active Travel and School Streets programmes as well as community neighbourhood development. 34. Other Air Quality projects include funding for a ‘Try Before you Bike’ scheme in Nine Elms working with community…

… to Green Homes Grant. Wandsworth also took part in the Solar Together scheme commissioned by the Mayor of London. Phase 4 closed in 2022, with 57 installations over the scheme in 2021/22. Phase 5 of the scheme was promoted to residents, with 142 signups for the scheme and installations due to complete in March 2022. Support for the ‘able to pay’ sector is being developed as part of joint work

Ashfield District Council

Direct link to climate strategy (HTML)

efficiency standards (MEES) Electrical safety in the private rented sector The Housing Act 2004 Empty or nuisance properties

Local employment profile Regeneration and funding Hucknall High Street shop front improvement grant scheme Hucknall High Street shop front grant

… Refunds Moving house Council Tax Support Temporary absence from home

Council Tax pays for Council Tax empty property review Housing Benefit Discretionary Housing Payment (DHP) Universal Credit…

…? Our offer Local economic information Business news and information Council business services…

North Tyneside Metropolitan Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… the installation of air source heat pumps and other energy efficient measures to 4 of our leisure centres using £3.2m funding from the Public Sector Decarbonisation Grant Killingworth Site Net Zero refurbishment project awarded Best Non-Residential Extension or Alteration’ category in the Local Authority Building Excellence Awards for 2022. in grant funding from the Office of Zero Emissions…

… commercial properties more energy efficient, however there are many opportunities to signpost businesses to advice and national government support. Social Housing Decarbonisation Scheme The authority has successfully been awarded £1.2 Million of matched funding via the Social Housing Decarbonisation Scheme to improve efficiency within homes around the borough. This will mean that a total of £2.4…

… Vehicles to deliver new EV charging infrastructure and to replace legacy charging infrastructure 2,333 properties in the Housing Revenue Account Business Plan (carbon saving of 287 tonnes) Continued to update the authority’s “Climate Hub” on the website which includes climate emergency information, press releases, key documents and grant information. Delivery of the Green Homes

… of developing a project. The authority has been successful in securing grant funding from central government as well as regional support to help accelerate funding and commercial sector input to progress the scheme. • Decarbonising / generating heat and power Within the borough, the authority is clear that opportunities may exist to enable the generation of heat and power to support its…

… increasing in coming years. We continue to work with government departments and the academic sector to strengthen our approach and we continue to search out and apply for grant funding to aid our journey to net zero. Foreword by Cllr Sandra Graham: Cabinet Member for Climate Emergency 2 ACTION ON CLIMATE CHANGE NORTH TYNESIDE Carbon Net Zero 2030 Action Plan 2023/24…

Perth and Kinross Council

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… to move us from a carbon- based economy, to a carbon free and resilient future. All of us in the Council need to contribute to addressing climate change locally. We recognise that we will need to tap into greater levels of innovation, including new technology, new ways of working, and new ways of engaging with our communities. The Council`s activities only account for 3% of emissions produced…

… of travel, with the following alternatives available to Council employees: - LiftShare Scheme, E-Bikes trial events, Cycle to work Scheme. (Action T9 – Appendix 2) vi) Public Transport The Council invests in the region of £2.1m per year in the subsidised local public transport network throughout Perth and Kinross Council area. This provides around 1.88 million miles per annum, over and above…

… in way we live. This is about much more than just cutting emissions – it’s about turning our thinking on its head, to plan for a sustainable future in which we are responsible consumers and responsible custodians of the planet’s future. Behavioural change requires the involvement of our citizens and businesses. It also requires the Council and other public sector agencies to understand…

Efficiency Standard for Social Housing) ✓ We have attracted over £49m in external funding since 2010 for projects contributing to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and climate change adaptions ✓ We have reduced the amount of CO2 emissions from our waste by 33% since 2011, through improved waste reduction, reuse and recycle ✓ We have over 80 Electric Vehicle Charging Points available

… the Council a direct mechanism to help tackle fuel poverty, or the means to reduce the energy demand and costs of social housing, and passing these benefits onto vulnerable groups. This project has the potential to completely overhaul the way in which we power our Council estate not only saving the Council money on energy costs but also opening up a potential new income generation stream. 19…

London Borough of Harrow

Direct link to biodiversity plan (PDF)

… for Greater London. These revisions/new sites are now adopted and are shown on the Policies Map that accompanies Core, Strategy, AAP and other Local Plan documents. Other Harrow strategies/policies • Harrow’s Sustainable Community Strategy 2009 • Harrow Open Space Strategy 2011 • Climate Change Strategy April 2013 Onwards: Post Consultation Draft February 2013 • Tree Strategy 2014 – 2018 Draft…

… Interest (SSSI), Stanmore Common and Stanmore Country Park. All 3 of these sites are Local Nature Reserves (LNR’s). Harrow Nature Conservation Forum (HNCF), a dedicated team of volunteers, has involvement in the management of all 3 sites in partnership with Harrow Council. HNCF also manage several other sites in the borough including Pear Wood and Heriot’s Wood (within Bentley Priory Open Space…

…. To the north of the borough nature reserves and other wildlife sites in the Green Belt act as wildlife reservoirs. In the more built-up areas further south it is a matrix of relatively wildlife-rich open spaces including parks, cemeteries, nature reserves and gardens. A number of these wildlife sites are ‘islands’ of biodiversity in a sea of urbanisation, species-poor grassland or agricultural fields…

…, habitats and features need to be protected and wildlife encouraged wherever possible. New links need to be forged particularly between the Green Belt and urban areas. Additionally habitat improvements are possible regarding some wildlife sites thus raising their nature conservation importance. This will provide an opportunity for wildlife to flourish and for people to experience a stimulating…

… Strategy and the Local Plan1. The BAP will be delivered by Harrow Council together with partner organisations in Harrow including land owners and managers as well voluntary organisations and biodiversity experts and the wider community. Partners and community groups manage Harrow’s Local Nature Reserves (LNRs) and a number of other Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINCs). Progress…

Luton Borough Council

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funding streams such as ECO, LA Flex and LADS  working with Residential Regulatory service, Domestic Energy manager and climate change to design a package of assistance for local landlords to access to help them improve the energy efficiency of their properties to meet national standards by 2025 Ref: 2.4 Action summary: Local Plan review Council team: Planning Strategy More information…

…  Green Homes Grant voucher scheme available to local householders until March 2021  looking at feasibility of developing a single provider referral scheme for insulation measures 8 Climate change action plan July 2021  looking at working with landlord registration scheme to develop a EE min standardworking with Luton Lets  Domestic Energy manager responsible for aligning…

… input from P&C and Building Control teams (attendance at Officer Working Group)  new build design brief 2020 (reporting through project tracker)  Denham and Buckle close developments have warm air heating installed  recovery round table – net zero application (July 2020) – led by Inclusive Growth  Funding for local businesses to sign-up to the Green Business Network (July 2020…

… Flatted scheme) o Freemans Close (11 houses 4/5 bed) o Littlefield’s (6 houses 2/3 bed) o Morris Close (2 houses) o Denham Close (2 houses)  waste management design guide  Buckle Close considered for district heating system  release of the Future Homes Standard consultation. LBC Housing responding to second part of consultation.  new Domestic Energy manager appointed in Apr 21…

… been spent by BTS on LED lighting  currently 15 communal sites have access to heat pumps as secondary heat source  currently 184 properties (2.6%) have access to electric storage heating  LADS phase 2 – application to be made for installation of insulation and renewable heating options in stock  £650k allocated to Luton via the LADS2 scheme Ref: 2.2 Action summary: Council led new

Calderdale Metropolitan Borough Council

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… this group runs and be open about the decisions that we make. The Partnership is a group of elected local Councillors from all political parties, members of the Youth Council, community groups, the NHS, housing and third sector representatives. We have recently reviewed how this Partnership works, to make sure its impact is as wide as possible. The Partnership’s role: • Influence and collaborate…

… in flood defence measures. Adaptation measures can be anything from planting a tree to provide shade and help with water run-off to building houses which keep us cool. In the UK the Government has a National Adaptation Programme (NAP) which includes actions the Government and other organisations like the Environment Agency can take to adapt to future impacts so we can keep going about our daily lives…

… and National Government. • Natural Flood Management (NFM): NFM must happen on a large scale to have a big impact. This means national action and funding. • Building standards: This is something that is difficult to raise locally so we need to work regionally and nationally to make it happen. • Resources: (financial, jobs, advice) are needed to deliver and play our part in the Plan. We must find…

funding and investment. Calderdale’s Emissions Reduction Pathway is very clear that although there is a lot we can do locally, serious action needs to come from the Government. Our job is to work with and influence others to act. Start Today We are all influencers: when we adopt low carbon behaviours or talk about climate change, we influence others to change. You can also write to your MP to get…

… your homeGreen Calderdale has advice on campaigning, volunteering and local events and news • Eye on Calderdale has advice on how to help reduce flooding in Calderdale • Zero Carbon Yorkshire provides support for people, groups, and organisations in the region to reduce their carbon footprints • 3 Valley Vegans provides advice on dietary change to reduce greenhouse gas emissions LOCAL ACTION…

East Devon District Council

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… permission for developments such as solar panels, wind turbines and other renewable energy solutions where they comply with Strategy 39 of the Local Plan. Ongoing EF Encouragement for renewable energy generation applications. Pilot the Council Tax and Business Rate discount scheme for those who install energy efficiency measures to their homes or business as funded by BEIS. Evaluate and report…

…. Continue to encourage new buildings in East Devon to meet high construction standards with new homes achieving high standards of energy efficiency/sustainability, and commercial buildings the equivalent of BREEAM Very good in accordance with Strategy 38 of the Local Plan. Ongoing EF Having a robust policy for granting permissions for low energy buildings. Work with Exeter, Teignbridge and Mid…

…. Capital £2m GF (initial sum) Support the Cosy Devon Partnership, the Local Energy Advice Partnership, and similar to enable networking, project collaboration and the testing of new solutions between local authorities, community energy organisations, installers and other interested parties to deliver domestic energy retrofit measures by seizing opportunities for grant funding and market offers…

… will have the greatest impact. April 2020 AGJ Update improvement and planned work programmes to accelerate the range and number of energy savings measures provided in Council homes. EDDC CLIMATE CHANGE ACTION PLAN 2020 – 2040 (Ten Point Plan v7) MITIGATION Capital £42m HRA Develop and acquire energy efficient Council housing or housing that can be improved to low carbon standards

… at this stage and unsure if direct costs on the Council. Gather evidence and develop policy ideas for consideration for inclusion in the review of the East Devon Local Plan for specific measures to address climate change in new developments in the district in the future. (September 2020). September 2020 EF Directing funding raised through planning contributions towards carbon reduction…

Vale of Glamorgan Council

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… Retrofit Programme in our council housing with Welsh Government grant funding to expand knowledge and improve local contractor capability in green heating services, to decarbonise the domestic heating market and provide sustainable council homes with an EPC target rating of A. 9 Schools • The Council has designed a net-zero carbon primary school building which is being…

… the biodiversity forward plan and raise awareness about the importance of nature and wildlife • Replace lost trees and promote tree planting across the Vale including working with owners of large areas of land. • Improve existing and create more green and blue spaces through Council led schemes, s.106 funds and new transport schemes. • Work with local communities to increase the number…

… in the Vale through the use of Welsh Government grants to improve access, safety and the joining up of the active travel network. • Expand the Nextbike e-cycle hire scheme into other parts of the Vale following on from the implementation of the scheme in the Penarth area. • Work with all schools to ensure they have green travel plans and adequate cycling facilities. • Establish…

… consumption and encourage a circular economy. • Explore social and environmental clauses in contracts which place an increased focus on local supply chains and business, with a commitment to supporting the foundation economy. Invest in our existing housing stock to make it more energy efficient and deliver near zero carbon, or at a minimum A rated new Council homes. • Deliver near zero…

Governments, as appropriate, to provide the necessary powers, resources and technical support to Local Authorities in Wales to help them successfully meet the 2030 target. • Continue to work with partners across the region. • Work with local stakeholders including Councillors, residents, young people, businesses, and other relevant parties to develop a strategy in line with a target of net…

Kingston-upon-Hull City Council

Direct link to meeting minutes (PDF)

… heating system had been upgraded to ensure it was efficient and could be adapted to other energy sources. The Assistant Director, Major Projects, Culture and Place advised the Commission that the new system was future proofed and included a connection point for district heating. The new system was the most efficient gas system in the world and could be converted to green energy should…

… rural areas had seemed to benefit over cities. The Strategic Transport Manager advised the Commission that the Council continued to explore potential funding streams and had bid for funding through Transport for the North. Page 10 of 112 P a g e 7 ii. Opportunities to work with colleagues across the region with a view to opening up new funding streams. The Strategic Transport…

… the continued commitment to partnership working displayed by the Council, and local bus operators, despite the unsuccessful funding bid. b) Stagecoach and East Yorkshire Motor Services are thanked for attending the meeting and outlining the work they are undertaking to address the challenges facing the industry and bus services in the City. a) N/A b) N/A Page 13 of 112…

… process and pre-decision scrutiny. iii. How much flexibility the Council had in regard to allocating the city centre grants. The Assistant Director, Major Projects, Culture and Place advised the Commission that the latest grants were very flexible, as long as they were used to bring properties back into use. iv. The progress of the public realm works around the Mary Murdoch Bridge…

… the Commission that the pool was losing water and would require significant engineering works. Any decision regarding its future would need to go to Cabinet. x. If there was any news on the funding bid for Bude Park. The Assistant Director, Major Projects, Culture and Place advised the Commission that there was no news as yet, but they had been in dialogue for five years and they remained hopeful…

Dorset Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… in the region of £1.8m in Low Carbon Dorset Grants and secured around £10.5m from the Transforming Cities fund to create new active travel walking and cycling routes over the next 3 years. As well as securing a certified ‘green’ renewable energy tariff for electrici- ty supply from September 2020. As I’ve stated before, while other councils around the country may have chosen to set deadlines…

…, which will help to sup- port and strengthen Dorset’s local economy and address social is- sues, such as fuel poverty. This is in addition to having wider benefits for health and mental wellbeing, such as improving air quality, encour- aging active travel, and encouraging healthy diets. / 07 The Council has a key role in lobbying government for clear policy and financial support required…

… year, some of the lowest in the region. However, this will need to reduce to near zero by 2050, if not sooner. Therefore, we all need to think about how we travel, use energy, and water, and how we create waste and what we eat to achieve a carbon-neutral future. The benefits of our actions will be great. We can stimulate Dorset’s local economy through growth in green jobs and buying local

… goods and services. In addition, we can work towards significantly improving our health and wellbeing as a result of more active travel, better diets, cleaner air, a greater connection with the natural world, and healthier, more affordable homes. This is as well as being more connected and vibrant local communities. We are not starting from scratch. All the former Councils, which now…

…, fleet vehicles, and Dorset streetlights and road signs. INDIRECT INFLUENCE - emissions from the deliv- ery of services, such as Adult Care buildings oper- ated by Tricuro, Local Authority Schools, Leisure centres, and contracted out services, such as school transport and staff commuting. Dorset Council baseline emissions profile, initial breakdown 2019-2020 Figure 20 As a new

Chelmsford City Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

…-low emission electric powered vehicles as they become operationally and commercially viable 5 x. Supporting the Environment Agency to implement the Margaretting flood alleviation scheme and other flood mitigation measures to reduce the risk of flooding to residential and commercial properties in the City xi. Establishing a ‘green investment fund’ to support the Council’s environment…

… will take to address this Emergency; o Call on the UK Government to provide such new powers and resources as are necessary to make this possible, and to work within the LGA to encourage other councils to back this plan.” 9 Appendix 2 Climate and Ecological Emergency Action Plan Workstream Climate and Ecological Emergency Action Plan 1) Establishing a ‘carbon baseline…

…) Establishing a ‘green investment fund’ to support the Council’s environment plan Coordinator: Alison Chessell Target to achieve Progress a. Create a new ‘zero carbon communities’ grant scheme where local communities can bid for funding for initiatives that will help them lower carbon emissions in their area New Community Funding Scheme launched in October 2019. ‘Our Plan’ themes [fairer…

future. 1. Background 1.1 There is increasing concern about the impact of climate change on the local environment, natural resources and the conditions in which people live and work. Evidence is growing that climate change is exacerbated by human activity. 1.2 In common with over 250 other local authorities and in response to this growing weight of evidence, the Council has…

… to encourage a community-based volunteering scheme for City Council employees Currently reviewing volunteer schemes c. Green skills appear key to a sustainable future and the transition towards a ‘greeneconomy will start to shape the labour market. Need to consider any possible job creation and upskilling opportunities for the current workforce TBC d. Promote flexible working to enable…

South Gloucestershire Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… the way we locate and access services, y Buying less, y Making all new developments zero carbon and locating them in low impact locations, y Investing in the green economy by for example retrofitting buildings for high energy efficiency standards and increasing renewable energy. 7 CLIMATE EMERGENCY STRATEGY Getting ready for the local impacts…

…% of carbon emissions through its powers in planning, transport and waste. The council can also influence carbon emissions from homes and businesses and work with organisations across the area to enable others to respond to the Climate Emergency. 64% 98.8% 1.2% 15% 6% 7% 8% Total 1048,900 tonnes CO₂e Dome stic Non-domestic Power Power Fu el Heat He at A griculture Tr an sp or t…

… recorded globally in human history. As temperatures increase in the UK there are likely to be more incidents of regular flooding of homes and businesses and disruption of local services. Furthermore, it may impact on our health, the food available for us to eat and our water supply. Globally huge numbers of people will be forced to leave their homes due to flooding, lack of food and water, health…

… matters, because every extra degree of warming matters, y Restoring the health of the local natural environment is an essential part of tackling the Climate Emergency. Changing the way we live today can also provide many benefits to us: y Improved health and wellbeing, y Stronger local economy, y New employment opportunities in the green economy, y Better access to a healthier…

… with ambitious action from national and sub-national authorities, civil society, the private sector, and local communities; 7. Earlier this year, the Committee on Climate Change has said that the UK can reach Net Zero by 2050 and set out the required steps to achieving this; 8. Governments and Councils are declaring a ‘Climate Emergency’ across the world and are committing resources to address…

South Northamptonshire Council

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… School","About this website","About us","About us","About West Northamptonshire Council","Accessibility, health and wellbeing in our libraries","Accessibility statement","Access to information","Access to Information Policy","Accident data requests","Active Travel Fund","Activities and leisure - Local Offer","Activities for under 5s","Adding a site to the Brownfield Land Register","Adopted Minerals…

… collections","Chatty Café Scheme","Check the approval you need","Chester House","Chickenpox","Childcare business support","Childcare funding guide for providers","Childcare Sufficiency Assessment","Child health and development","Child leaving your school to be home educated","Child performance licences","Children's Centres","Children's Trust","Children and families","Children and young people's library…

… Northamptonshire Council's response","memorialIcon":"royalWebsite","memorialQuickLinks":[{"__typename":"MemorialLink","icon":"condolenceBook","link":{"__typename":"LinkFieldWithTitle","url":"/news/books-condolence-and-floral-tributes","title":"Local books of condolence and floral tributes","external":false},"summary":"Information on where to find local books of condolence and opening times"},{"__typename…

… and Waste Local Plan","Adoption","Adult carers","Adult Learning","Adult social care and wellbeing","Adult social care jobs","Adult social care plans and policies","Adult social care while in prison","Advice and support for early education and childcare providers","Advice and support for young people","Advice for confirmed sponsors","Advice for potential sponsors","Affordable housing","Afghan Resettlement…

… Apply for Council Tax Reduction Apply for Universal Credit and Housing Benefit Apply for Discretionary Housing Payment Household Support Fund View your account online All benefits services…


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